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My Great great grandparents on my mother's side John McCracken and Sarah Mc Ilroy were married in Dromara, Down in 1852.  They had 1 daughter Sarah who was born in Dromara and then John Mc Cracken was sent to Dharjeeling in India where they had 2 more children, namely Margaret (my great grandmother) and James. He was subsequently sent to Cape Town where he served in the army until he retired in 1879. John Mc Cracken died on 31/01/1914 in Cape Town and Sarah Mc Cracken died in 1914 in Cape Town.

Can anybody please help me trace their ancestors and also the family ties to the present day.

I have quite an extensive family tree on genebase which I would be happy to invite anyone to view if they are in anyway connected to my family.


Look forward to making contact.


Kind regards,


Friday 3rd May 2013, 11:42PM

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