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I am looking for any additional information on Edward Kerr (1796-1869) who was a poultry farmer in Loughinisland. His wife was called Sarah Pollin - I have a death date of 1853 for her but no date of birth. Any information about this family would be useful.

Thursday 18th Dec 2014, 11:23AM

Message Board Replies

  • Edward Kerr?s death is registered in Downpatrick on 28.4.1869. It would seem worth getting a copy of that to get his townland, and the informant?s details. That should enable you to search further. You can view it on-line for ?2 on the GRONI site, using the search death registrations option:


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Thursday 18th Dec 2014, 01:04PM

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