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My GGF was Thomas Moore bc1857 in Motalee (according to the English 1911 census). 

He married in Toronto in 1884 (and it states he was from Magherafelt)  his father was John Moore and mother Sarah. 

He married Eliza Kennedy from Ireland,  her parents were Hugh Kennedy and Margaret.  Marriage was by Licence and religion Presbyterian.  (Eliza's birthplace of Newtownards from English 1911 census)

They very quickly left Canada and setled in Liverpool because from 1891 onwards they are in all census.

Family legend was that Thomas and 6 brothers went to Canada but Thomas was called back to sort out the farm because he was the eldest - I have long since discarded that notion for a number of reasons.  Thomas was a labourer in Canada when he married and a Dock Labourer in Liverpool,  my father and a descendant of one of Thomas' children believed Thomas was from Belfast, therefore unlikely parents owned a farm, at best they may have been tenant farmers and it is this belief of coming from Belfast from two very different sources which has me puzzled.

Assuming Thomas was not the only one to go to Canada, what happened to the other siblings,  likewise with Eliza,  the only other clue to a possible sibling is a Mary Kennedy who was a witness at the marriage.  the other witness was a William Wilson - unknown who this person is, I looked for a marriage for William and Mary but have not been able to find one.  Canada archives has not yielded any positive proof of any Moore siblings either.

I have looked at all the John Moore to a Sarah marriages 1846 to 1868 in and around Magherafelt/Coleraine and have researched as far as I can each of those marriages' offspring in an attempt to narrow down the possibilities.  The most promising one is 1856 to Sarah Brewster/Brouster and that John Moore was a Soldier (no regiment or militia #).  No bapts until 1865 when John is a labourer.  The gap from 1856 to 1865 could easily have produced 5 children (one of which might be Thomas) - names fit the naming pattern.   Thomas & Eliza had children James 1886, John 1887, Thomas 1889, George (my GF) 1890, Margaret 1892, Hugh 1895 and Eliza 1897 all born Liverpool.

What I can't find is:  Baptisms for either Thomas or Eliza,  conclusive passenger lists for either going to Canada or returning as a married couple to either Ireland or directly to Liverpool.  In 5 years of posting similar messages on just about every site I have not had one contact for either family, other than those descendants born to them in UK and none of them knew as much or more than me, and certainly no contact from anyone in Canada.  My "Irish tree" is on Ancestry and a few other sites.  

Any contact from anyone, even with the slightest possible connection would be welcome,  just so I can elminate what is not fact or my Thomas & Eliza family.


Tuesday 13th Nov 2012, 11:03AM

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