Buildings from Seapatrick (County Down)

Locate buildings around Seapatrick (County Down) and discover who lived and worked there.

Banbridge Workhouse on 1931 OS map
Banbridge Workhouse
Holy Trinity Church of Ireland BANBRIDGE
Holy Trinity Church of Ireland BANBRIDGE
Masonic Hall, Banbridge
Masonic Hall , Banbridge

Seapatrick (County Down) Message Board

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Looking for ancestors to James or Thomas Mahood- Banbridge
16 Jan 2020 17:10
Any information about Robert Stevenson born 1841 marries Jane Martin in 1859.
4 Apr 2018 20:22
Matthews family
17 Mar 2016 12:20
Kate Gleenese
13 Jan 2016 03:01

Seapatrick (County Down) Local Guide

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