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My grandfather William Breen and his Elder Brother (unsure of his name) where residents of artaine industrial school in 1907-1916 ,they where born in dublin exact area unsure of..After their mother died in 1902 her maiden name being fitgerald or fitzpatrick unsurewhich ,there mum is buried in glasneven cemetary in dublin.where placed in the home by their father.Who is believed to have remarried and emigrated to canada,with their sister's who i believe one was called catherine.any information to retrace my familys information would be greatly apperciated as trying to do a family tree.

Thursday 17th Oct 2013, 09:32AM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Caroline,

    I went to the census of 1911 and found William Breen aged 11 in the Artane Industrial School.  I looked for his brother but couldn't find him there.  There is a Christopher Breen but the information fizzeled out as you go down through the records.  It's like whoever was writing them just got fed up with putting in the information about each child.  I'm surprised the enumerator accepted these forms in that state!!!

    It seems that William would have been born about 1900.  You will nedd his parents names to order his birth certificate.

    Because you are a direct decendant of William, I believe that you have a right to view his records.  This would give you his parents names (without which you can't go back any further). You may also find out more about his siblings.

    I think it is worth contacting the Department of Education and find out what information you can get.  I know you will probably need your grandfathers death certificate, and proof that you are related to him.  This is to safeguard peoples records.  You will need to make an application on behalf of a deceased former resident.

    Ring to find out more (like many people are doing now)

    10 8892240     01 8892385     01 8896444

    I wish you well in your search,


    Anne Dennehy


    Thursday 17th Oct 2013, 05:25PM
  • Hello again CAroline,

    I went to (free site) and searched for any Breen baptised around the turn of the century.  I found a record for a baby Helena mary Breen born in 1900 to William Breen and Alice Fitzgerald.

    I then went to the 1901 census and searched all Breens in Co. Dublin.  I found Helena in Nierneys Court ,  Rotunda, Dublin.  When I looked at this record, she has an older brother 2 years of age called William.  Have a look at this record.  Could this be your family before it all went tragically wrong?

    You will only be able to confirm or disprove this when you get your grandfathers records and learn his parents names.

    There may be more Breens in the census that could be possibilities.


    Thursday 17th Oct 2013, 09:24PM
  • Thank you so much for your information,will follow up on those now thank you very much.x


    Friday 18th Oct 2013, 09:24AM
  • Thank you so much for your information,will follow up on those now thank you very much.x


    Friday 18th Oct 2013, 09:24AM
  • thank you for your information,his older brother was defintley in artain,my grandfather said he went to bed one evening and he never saw himagain,he believes that he was killed whilst in their care,which we may bekieve to be true as all the investigation going on with the father recently passed away somy self and aunt are trying to find what information we can on them.thank you for your help ,much apperciated.x

    Friday 18th Oct 2013, 09:30AM
  • thank you for your information,his older brother was defintley in artain,my grandfather said he went to bed one evening and he never saw himagain,he believes that he was killed whilst in their care,which we may bekieve to be true as all the investigation going on with the father recently passed away somy self and aunt are trying to find what information we can on them.thank you for your help ,much apperciated.x

    Friday 18th Oct 2013, 09:30AM
  • Hi everyone, I'm searching for my  ggg grandfather James Cochrane born a1813 in Dublin.....I am at a loss to find any info on him apart from a James Cochrane living in Artaine, in a house rented out by Mr James Wynne Esq - who I believe in turn rented it from the Earl of Howth. Can anyone give me any clues?


    Thanks in advance



    Wednesday 10th Sep 2014, 12:21PM

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