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I have limited information on my great great grandfather Thomas Wade prior to his immigration to Canada from Ireland. He was born in County Dublin around 1834. He immigrated to Canada, perhaps in the 1840's or 1850's.  I believe he immigrated with his family, but I do not know this for certain. I believe he sailed to Quebec, Canada and continued on to Kingston, Ontario, before finally settling in Hamilton Township, Northumberland County, Ontario, Canada where he married Eliza MaGuire in 1855. She is also from Ireland and her parents names were Michael MaGuire and Elizabeth. Thomas Wade had a younger brother John, born around 1836 who also settled in Northumberland County. Both Thomas and his brother farmed in this area for many years raising their families. I know this is little to go on, but I am hoping this sounds familiar to someone and I can find out more about my Irish ancestry.

Thursday 15th Nov 2012, 03:08PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    I just saw your request for information about your family from Baldongan, Co. Dublin.  As Baldongan comes under the Parish of Skerries Co Dublin would you mind addressing your message to the Skerries Parish board, which you can join also, and someone will follow it up from there.

    Both of  your family names exist still in the general locality of Skerries so there should be some information that can be found to link in with your descendents.


    Kind regards, Dermac

    Friday 16th Nov 2012, 12:23PM
  • Hi Philip,


    Sorry for the delay but I have come accross only one Thomas Wade for that approximate time. A Thomas Wade was baptised in Holmpatrick Church, Skerries Co Dublin in 1835.12.27 to a Patrick Wade and Jane Bissett.  Both of these names are local names in the vicinity of Skerries. I found so far two other births to Patrick and Jane Wade, Mary born 1835.04.12 and Margaret born 1833, I will have a look again and see if I can find a marriage for this couple or any other siblings.  There are also various births of a Patrick Wade in the 1820s, but this would be too late to be the father of Thomas.  There is a Patrick Wade born in 1796 which might fit, born to a James Wade and Mary Donough, with a sibling James born in 1799.

    Regarding the Maguire names of your great, great,great grandmother, this is also a common name for the time in the area.  I havnt yet found an Elizabeth which might match with Thomas Wade, but I will keep looking.  If there is anything more specific you would like me to check up, you can let me know. 'any information at all which you might have would be very useful.


    Kind regards,


    Saturday 6th Apr 2013, 10:52PM

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