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I've been very fortunate with my Hagarty family as I've actually been in contact with a distant cousin from Westmeath, Ireland.  He sent me a few photos and gave me some wonderful information.  I haven't heard from any one else though.

I have not been able to locate any information on the O'Flahertys. It would be nice to see how we are related to you all over there, or anyone over there wanting to know what happened to us.

My great great great grandfather was Patrick J. Hagarty who was born abt 1798.  Accoding to family oral history from other branches, he was shot and murdered by the English for 'whitewashing his house' abt 1840.   I am not sure if this is true or not, but when my G/G/G gran his wife, Mary O'Flaherty-Hagarty came to America, he wasn't with her and she was widowed.

My branch here came into the US abt 1849 in NYC and lived there for abt 4 years and pioneered in Greene, Butler County, Iowa.  The family was very close in those times.  It seems that everyone is so scattered now, but it was a lot of work just getting the information I have now. 

What I have is online:

From Europe to America:…

Friday 13th Jan 2012, 10:46PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi there,

    Thank you very much for your message to Ireland Reaching Out.

    Are you interested in tracing where your O'Flaherty side of the family came from? Let me know if you need any assistance if you do.

    Was Patrick Hagarty from Clondalkin in Dublin? Do you know if he was born here? You could check newspaper records for the whitewashing incident, but this could be difficult if you don't have a date or an exact location. Even so, the name might not be mentioned in a report at all. Also, you should consider that this might just be a story or an inaccurate memory.

    Do you have any details about Mary's arrival to the US - name of ship, etc.. She would probably have had to give information at the place of arrival, so it would be worth looking into this. Also be sure to investigate the Iowa connection - this could be rich with interesting details and stories.

    Best of luck in your reseach!

    Kind regards,

    Sinead Cooney

    Wednesday 22nd Feb 2012, 03:46PM
  • Yes, I would like to find out who  my O'Flaherty family are.  That would be wonderful. I do not know Mary O'Flaherty's parents name, but I do know a sister's name, Eliza O'Flaherty, who married Patrick Hagarty's brother, Laurence Hagarty-(born 1801, Clondalkin). 

    I am not sure, but I believe Patrick Hagarty (b. about 1798 died about 1840) was  of course, born in Ireland, from the Clondalkin area.  I am not sure if this whitewashing incident was an 'inaccurate memory' but I can't imagine why anyone would make this up, but it does need to be 'proved'.  Finding documentation might be impossible.

    Thanks for the comment and help.  I have various sources from Census' from Iowa etc.   Whoever in the family has the information is sitting on it or is lost through the generations.

      Mary O'Flathery-Hagarty was widowed when imigrating to the USA at the age 42.  I BELIEVE this is her, but I do not have the official record, I found this online:

    10 Aug 1849

    Field Title      Value      Meaning
    BLANK1 [FAMILY RELATION]           
    AGE     42     age 42
    SEX CODE     F     Female
    OCCUPATION CODE     U     Immigrant
    LITERACY CODE           
    NATIVE COUNTRY CODE     3     Ireland
    TRANSIT CODE           
    MANIFEST IDENTIFICATION NUMBER     4006     PIONEER 061 08-10-1849 081
    PASSENGER ARRIVAL DATE     8 10 1849     08/10/1849

    Saturday 25th Feb 2012, 01:01AM
  • Immigrated in 1849 to NYC.  While in NY, he learned the trade of Silversmithing.
    From 1855 to 1858, he lived in St. Louis, MO, and worked at Silversmithing. In 1858, he settled in Dayton, Butler County Iowa



    Lawrence Hagarty was born June 22, 1832 in Dublin, Ireland, so he was 88 years of age last June. He came to New York City with his mother(piece of newspaper His family came to Butler County and settled on the land south of Coldwater and west of Shell Rock river. That was nearly 15 years before Green was thought of and at a time when people drove to Cedar Falls to do their trading. His sister, Eliza, had her piano hauled from Dubuque. While he lived in St. Louis, he met U. S. Grant many times and knew him before he became general. His parents, one sister, MRs. Maria Hagarty Nettleton, and three brothers, James H., Pat H., and Tom are all dead now an dhis only living sister is Miss Eliza Hagarty. He was married in January, 1868 to Anna Doyle at Butler Center. Nine children came to them, three of whom died at an early age: Agnes, at three months, Louis at one year, and Adrian at 11 years. The living children are: Mrs bessie Nevins, of Greene, Sister Mary Agnes of Dubuque, P.J. Hagarty of Maquoketa. Lon, Thomas and Agatha Hagarty of Greene. All were at the funeral excepting Sister Agnes Hagarty and P.J. Hagarty-the latter being sick with typhoid fever. Mr. Lawrence Hagarty's wife died Jan. 29, 1908 in Greene. They retired from the farm in 1902 and made their home here afterwards. The funeral was held at St. Mary's Church, on Sunday morning Oct. 13, 1912. with Father Sheechy conducting the mass. Burial was beside his wife in the Coldwater cemetery four miles south of Greene and only two miles from his old homestead: Six nephews were pall bearerers: Tony and Bert Hagarty, Felix and Frank Nettleton, T.J. O' Brien, and A. J. McMahon.

        Among the relatives and friends from out of town were; Mrs. Nannie Gibson, a niece from Davenport; Mrs. Uphremia Crosby of Collins, a sister in law; Mrs Kate McGee of Allison, a sister in law: Lamber McGee, of Allison; Miss Kate Wyth, of Cedar Falls and Messrs John & Albert Heery of Clarksville. The eulogy given Mr. Lawrence Hagarty at the funeral services was very correct in its estimation of his character and emphasized the traits all his friends have seen in him. He had strong convictions of the right and followed them faithfully. He was charitable with a free hand. He was religious and followed closely the teachings of his church. He was well-informed and could discuss intelligently all questions of public interest. He was temperate and gave a noble example for others to follow. THE PRESS joins the many friends in extending sympathy to the bereaved ones.."

    Saturday 25th Feb 2012, 01:06AM

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