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Hi i left Ireland very young to make a better life i have never met my grandparents and am trying to discover more about them, I come from a large O' Brien family who lived in Galtimore rd Drimnagh, My nan died young tragically after giving birth to around 9 or more kids her name was mary and my grandad was paddy, i dont have contact with my parents so i need to find out as much as i can myself can anyone help?


Eileen O Brien

Wednesday 7th Nov 2012, 06:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Eileen, My name is John and we have recently affiliated to this site. I know some O Briens of Galtymore Rd and I will make some enquiries over the next day or so. Thank You and please bear with us.

    Thursday 8th Nov 2012, 08:38PM
  • I am searching for the Lovett lines from possibly County Tyrone.  John Lovett b 1790, wife Isabella McBride b 1801.  Sons' Patrick, John, Joseph, and Alexander all went to USA about 1830-1850.  They may have lived at Coalisland. Thank you if you can help. 

    Wednesday 21st Nov 2012, 10:27PM
  • Hi I just saw your message today and its funny because my nan was a Mary Lovett who I am trying to trace also she was married to Patrick O' Brien in Dublin in the 1920's  or so, they lived in Dublin, she was also related to the McNallys I found out recently and she had a William Lovett as her father I think, unfortunately I am still trying to pinpoint the precise records as getting Irish records from the UK is a little difficult to say the least, do you think these are the same Lovetts?


    Kind Regards

    Eileen O' Brien


    Ps My nan , who I never met she died before I was born gave birth to plenty of offspring Joseph her son being my father I do have  a tree publicly shown on line if your interested i shall forward you the details, I hope we could  be of help to each other

    slan x :-)

    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 10:29AM
  • That would be great if you would share you tree.  It sounds like they were from different parts of Ireland and the dates don't seem to match as mine are the 1820's for Joseph and no William in that line...."I don't think anyways."  But, they could be some relatives of that line.  I'd like to see what you have to try to compare, thank you!!!

    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 10:52AM
  • Hi well I have only just begun really but there is Mary Lovett in my tree they werent originally from Dublin judging by what I was told although she lived married and died there I havent listed alll of her children as I cant remember all of their names however today i have upgraded my account so that there will be enough to check all records now so I should be able to find out more details a lot easier now and im on a research mission my profile on is called OBrienMaguire as spelt

    I shall be doing some more research soon and update it  :-)

    Good Luck and let me know if you find out anything interesting or that could be of some help

    ps there was an unusual name of ernest lovett ernest was carried through the o brien tree and stemmed from my nan mary as i know she had brother or uncle not sure called ernest so that should help that name stretched from their line also

    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 11:17AM
  • I can't find the tree on ancestry, can you send a LINK to it.  I don't know how to search for a tree on there.  I connect to it with my friends account, not mine, but I still don't know how to search for a specific tree. 

    Thursday 22nd Nov 2012, 11:26AM

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