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Just discovered this site and am excited about it.  My grandparents were raised and lived in Moone, Ireland.

Richard Michael DOWLING, my grandfather was born in Hollywood Ireland in 1885; the son of Dennis and Theresa MURPHY DOWLING.  My understanding is that Dennis was a/the village blacksmith  Theresa died when my grandfather was 6 years old and Dennis remarried (don't know to whom).  Dennis died in Ballitore in 1936.

Mary Bridget CASEY, my grandmother was born in Baltinglass in 1885, the daughter of Patrick and Mary Bridget POWELL CASEY.  Patrick was a "railroad man"   My g'grandmother (Mary B POWELL) was born in Mullaghroe in 1845).  She and Patrick rented property and raised their children in Moone.  From family stories, I think the family lived on property owned by a Mrs GRAY "who lived in the big house" - somewhere in this story the name  Timolin comes up - not sure if that is a village, road, area or just what.

These families are Roman Catholic and through the years family members have tried to locate graves for early CASEY (including Patrick) and DOWLING fmaily members in the Moone graveyard to no avail.  I have a picture of the "supposed" Dennis DOWLING gravesite, but don't know where it is located.  I will try to scan and post it soon along with some other photos.

My grandparents emigrated to the US.  In 1924 my grandmother returned to Moone for about 1 year and my aunt and uncle actually attended grammar school in the village.  They returned to the USA with my g'grandmother who died in Newark, NJ.  All of the CASEY children emigrated to the US.  The children of Dennis DOWLING emigrated to London, Canada and USA.

I would love to communicate with anyone who might have knowledge or information about my family and/or any of these locations.  Thanks so much.


Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 03:12AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    I was born in Timolin the neighbouring village to Moone and I will try my best to locate any family member or piece of information that I can for you.

    There is still a family of Gray's living in Timolin village which were my neighbours when I was growing up. I will ask the family if they have any knowledge of your ancestors.

    I will be back in touch with you if I have any information.


    Best regards

    Eileen (Kane) McEnroe


    Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 10:39AM

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