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I am so excited --  dream of a lifetime is going to come true!!  We just booked a trip to Ireland for November, 2013.  I just can't believe we are actually going to be able to do this.  We will be arriving in Dublin and "training" to Cork and Kilkenny and back to Dublin.  Then we will rent a car and drive to my family villages of Moone, Baltinglass and Hollywood and surrounding areas.  My maternal grandparents emigrated from Moone, Ireland in the early 1900's; my grandmother and her 5 children - Mary Casey Dowling - returned for about a year in the mid-1920's and then brought my widowed great grandmother, Mary Bridget Powell CASEY to the USA.  My mom (and her bros actually attended school at the RC church in Moone for that year).  My grandfather's father/family (DOWLING) were blacksmiths in the village and it is my understanding that remnants of their blacksmith shop remained at least as late as the 1990's.  I must get busy locating all my pictures, papers, etc.  I know that I have a picture of the BOLGER's market and I remember that Mom spoke of the house/farm they lived in (my g grandfather CASEY worked for the railroad) as being on the road to Timolin (?) and that it was on the property of the"big grey" house.   Oh, this is so exciting --- if anyone knows anything about either of these families I'd love to hear from you.  Oh, my aunt Peggy corresponded for many years with her friend Mary Byrne.

Looking forward to seeing your beautiful land -

Mary Lowrey. Georgia, USA

Friday 12th Jul 2013, 01:59AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi

    Thank you for your message.

    I have forwarded your request to a volunteer in Co Kildare who may be able to offer some advice or assistance.

    Wishing you the best of luck and hoping you have a lovely trip.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy suppport.


    Friday 12th Jul 2013, 11:34AM

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