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Im making a family tree and my great grandfather/grandmother were Francis and Bridget Tiernan on my mother/grandmother side Bridget/Christina Tiernan.They are in the 01/11 census for Mallahow/Naul area..Any information would be welcome.

Wednesday 25th Sep 2013, 11:09PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Phil,

    The only record I could find on for the Tiernans was the baptism in Dublin in 1848 of Francis Xavier MacTiernan. Given that he was aged 62 in 1911 this is pretty close. There were often older versions and mispellings and transcription inaccuracies for this to be your man. The parish on the record is St Pauls Arran Quay RC. You would need to purchase the record to get the parents' names.

    It is frustrating that rootsireland had no record of his marriage to Bridget. 

    I checked on ancestry but there were other Tiernan family trees but none with Francis!


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 26th Sep 2013, 12:00AM
  • Hi Col, Thanks for the effort i appreciate it. I guess i wil have to purchase the info from the GRO.!

    Many Thanks. Phil.

    Thursday 26th Sep 2013, 12:08AM
  • No problems Phil. is a lot cheaper and there's 40% off till October 13th.


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 26th Sep 2013, 12:57AM
  • Hi Col thanks i did check them out.Got some new info.

    Best Regards


    Friday 27th Sep 2013, 07:35PM
  • Attached Files

    Hello Phil,

    There is a Francis M Tiernan in my family tree, which I have attached.  I'm running into a dead end with my great great grandfather James Tiernan 1864-1910 born in Ireland and trying to see if by posting my tree so far someone might be able to help me.  There are a lot of James Tiernan's in the line.

    John Tiernan

    Tuesday 22nd Dec 2015, 12:03AM

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