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I am looking for information on Andrew and Mary (Whelan) Sullivan born in the Rossnacaheragh (Glenlough) Cork, Ireland area about 1840. Andrew and Mary (Whelan) Sullivan were married about 1860 and they had 10 children;


Name                                          Birth                                Birthplace

John A. Sullivan                          1861                               Rossnacaheragh

Timothy F. Sullivan                     1862                               Rossnacaheragh

Patrick Sullivan                           1863                               Rossnacaheragh

Catherine Sullivan                      1864                               Rossnacaheragh

Julia Sullivan                              1865                               Rossnacaheragh 

Andrew Sullivan                         1866                               Rossnacaheragh

Dennis Sullivan                          1868                               Rossnacaheragh

Michael Sullivan                         1873                               Rossnacaheragh                                      

Maria Sullivan                            1875                               Rossnacaheragh                    

Archilbald Sullivan                     1892                               Rhode Island, USA


Andrew and Mary (Whelan) arrived on 24 May 1886 in New York City with their sons Andrew Jr. and Dennis then made their way to Lincoln, Rhode Island where their last child Archilbald was born in 1892. I have the childrens birth dates as accurate as I could using American documentation i.e naturalization cards, marriage and death records with Andrew and Mary's first child being born in 1861 I have estimated the marriage year to be 1860 and if they were 20 yrs old when married they would be born in 1840. Andrew's parents were Timothy Sullivan and Catherine ?  there was no maiden name on the death certificate.  Mary (Whelan) Sullivan's father was listed as Daniel Holland on her death certificate, but no mother was given. I believe that Whelan can be translated as Houlihan, Holland and a third name I don't remember at the moment, but most in my family only remember great, great grandma Mary spoken of as Mary (Whelan) Sullivan not Holland; therefore, it is my belief that whomever filled out the death certificate took it upon themselves to translate the father's last name, so I'm looking for Daniel Whelan and an unknown spouse at this time. Mary's son Timothy had 2 relatives named John Whelan and Francis Whelan as witnesses to his naturalization card which could be great, great, grandma Mary (Whelan) Sullivan's brother's haven't been able to break into this branch of the family here in Rhode Island, hoping for some information from the Rossnacaheragh area that may help me do this.

The Arundel's are related by marriage, Julia Sullivan received a letter in 1926 from her cousin Mrs. Harry Arundel and we have no idea who this relative is; however, I have just located a census from 1901 for a Patrick and Mary Arundel house 7 Rossnacaheragh (Glenlough) Cork, Ireland who have a son Harry Arundel and I believe this to be his family as he is 8 yrs old at the time of the census and would have been 25 yrs old at the writing of the letter which would be the right age to be "newly" married as this was the main purpose of the letter to inform my great, Aunt Julia that her cousin had married the boy "next door" which Aunt Julia should remember; therefore, it appears that the Arundel's and either the Sullivan's or the cousin's family lived next door to each other or very close by.

Any information on the Sullivan or Arundel family especially the son Harry and his marriage to Aunt Julia's cousin will be most appreciated!


Thanks!     Maria







Saturday 29th Sep 2012, 06:57PM

Message Board Replies

  • See Co Cork posting.

    Monday 8th Oct 2012, 02:41PM


    I came across your post yesterday by chance. I don't see any replies.

    In 1926 there were three Henry Arundels: 
    * Henry, My grandfather, had a pub, farm, and fishing business in nearby Ahakista. The pub, and now a restaurant, is owned by my 3d cousin once removed.
    * Harry, Grandfather's nephew -- grandfather of the pub's present owner. He is the son of Patrick & Mary of your post. He did not marry until the late 30s or early 40s.
    * Harry Taid, my second cousin, once removed.
    Henry's all. In fact, I'm Henry Arundel Ward -- called Harry, born in Wyoming.

    Harry Taid is the husband of the Mrs Harry of your post. She is Kate Twohig. They had 7 sons. 4 are living. Frank, a fisherman, lives in Ahakista. The others are in America and England.

    There were Sullivans living near, friends of mine, but I know nothing of their history.

    There are other Arundels in the neighborhood that both they and we say are not connected. I don't believe that! There are other Arundels throughout West Cork, and only, in West Cork.


    Tuesday 14th Jun 2016, 07:20PM

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