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My Grandfather's brother and family are listed in the 1911 census of Ireland living at 13.1 Baggot Street, Upper (Pembroke West, Dublin).

Details are:-

Patrick Brady  Head  43  Iron Roofer

Mary              Wife   44

Julia               Dau   20  General Servant (aka Joan Julia Maria)

Esther            Dau   18  Domestic Servant (aka Frances)

John               Son   15  Boy Messenger (aka Alfred)

Shela             Dau   12  Scholar (aka Hilda Catherine)

Margaret        Dau   11  Scholar (aka Christine)

Leo               Son   10  Scholar (aka Patrick)

Robert           Son    8  Scholar (aka Ernest)

Kathleen       Dau    6  Scholar (aka Catherine Marion)

Catherine      Mother in Law  86 Widow

Does anyone have any more information on this family? In the 1901 census they were living at 9 Estate Cottages, Shelbourne Road.

Mike Brady

Tuesday 20th May 2014, 09:54AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Mike

    Are you looking for ancestors further back?  Do you have any information already?



    Tuesday 20th May 2014, 10:16PM
  • Just been reviewing the census information and it tells us that Patrick Brady was born circa 1869 and his wife Mary was born c.1867.  They married c.1889.  They and their children were all RC.  However, the mother-in-law, Catherine Fortune, is listed as Irish Church, so perhaps protestant.

    You would assume that Mary Brady's maiden name was Fortune, however I cannot find a marriage circa 1889 for a Patrick Brady and Mary Fortune.  This could indicate that either the mother-in-law or daughter was married twice and therefore Fortune is not the maiden name or the name Mary gave on her marriage certificate.

    I would recommend getting a birth certificate for a couple of the children which should give you the correct name for the mother.



    Tuesday 20th May 2014, 10:50PM
  • Hi Linda

    Thanks for getting in touch. I am looking for any information either going back or forward.

    What I have already going back is that Patrick was born on 7 April 1867 in Kingstown, Dublin. Son of John Brady and Julia Kavanagh who were married at St Mary's Haddington Road on 16 September 1866. They hadCatherine b 1870, no trace found,  Andrew b 1872, my grandfather, John b 1873, who it is thought went to America but no trace found, and George b & d 1877.

    Patrick married Maria Snow on 7 August 1888 in Ballsbridge, Maria (Mary) was born 26 June 1865 in Dublin and was baptised a Catholic at the same time as she was married. Her parents were Robert Snow & Catherine Murray, Catherine's father was Daniel so it is possible that Catherine had been married to a Fortune as well as a Snow.

    It is believed that John Brady and Julia Kavanagh died before the children were old enough to be self supportive and they were placed in a home but I have not been able to confirm this although I believe that Julia died on 9 April 1882 in Ballsbridge.

    You mentioned getting certificates. I did a search for a possible marriage for Leo Patrick Brady, son of Patrick and Maria, and found that a person of that name married in the second quarter of 1942 in Dublin North, unfortunately there were four females and three other males listed for the same date and location. How can I determine who maried who without getting certificates for all of them? Also how do I get a certificate?

    Al the best


    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 08:05AM
  • Hi Dave,


    Leo married the Byrne girl, possible obit 1973


    BRADY — The wife, family ana relatives of the late Leo Patrick Brady,Newcastle Lodge, Oldcastle, Co, Meath, wish to thank sincerely the many kind friends who sympathised with them in their recent sad bereavement, to those who sent Mass cards telegrams and messages of sympathy. A special word of thanks to the kind neighbours for their help. Personal acknowledgment of so many acts of kindness is impossible and it is hoped that this expression of gratitude will be accepled by all. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for their intentions.





    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 02:35PM
  • Hi Mike

    I will take a look at the marriage you mention. There are a method I use to identify the spouse but as these are possibly living relatives I won't post any details online. I will email you directly if that's ok. 

    I will also explain how to order certs. Sorry I didn't have time to dog is today.



    Wednesday 21st May 2014, 11:24PM
  • Hi Mike, I thought I had Joined this conversation, I sent you a reply , its somewhere in the system, and Leo Brady didnt go to Meath. As far as I remember he lived in Inchacore off hand . He had two daughters. I believe he was a roofer like his father.Best Myles Brady


    Saturday 15th Oct 2016, 10:48PM
  • Hi Brendan, this is not the Leo in question death notice He Married a Taylor not Byrne Best  Searcher


    Sunday 1st Apr 2018, 02:31PM
  • 3

    HI Mike, dont know how many times I have tried to get in touch with you to tell you that we belong to the same family, you seem to move from one site  to another ask a question , and then move on as does your cousin,or yourself with adifferent name. Patrick Brady was the son of John Brady,and Julia Kavanagh both died young with a young family. John who was a Superintendent in the Pembroke water Board as did his brother my Great granfather Andrew Brady along with a third son Patrick Christopher were the children of Andrew and Margaret Burke who were married in Sandyford church in 1839. it stops here so far ,  I believe our Bradys moved down from Cavan many years before to Wicklow to Byrnes land and slowly moved back up over the years. Records are the problem. keep searching. Your John and my Andrew moved in from Kill to Ballsbridge and Donnybrook,and the Patrick and Mary Snow lived in Baggot street, one of their sons Leo like his father was a roofer and I remember meeting him at our house.Contact me if you see this, I look in fairly often but as I was born in the early forties I might go to a different site,but not by choice.  Best Myles


    Tuesday 10th Nov 2020, 08:56PM

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