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Hello All

My great-grandfather James Elliott was born in Lisboy in 1851, his father was John, I think his mother was Mary - possibly a Nevin or a Stewart? James lived on a farm in his early life but went to sea as a young man. He married a Belfast woman - Mary Jane Sykes - in 1877 and moved to Liverpool in the 1880's.  They had a son John, born in Belfast and a daughter Annie (my grandmother) born in Liverpool.  My grandma told me the farm her father lived on was sold to a German family at some point.  Any information anyone can give me would be gratefully received  kind regards David

Sunday 17th Apr 2016, 01:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • I looked at Griffiths Valuation for Lisboy in 1862. 13 properties listed. No farm occupied by an Elliott (nor Nevin or Stewart). Likewise in 1901:

    So sadly I am not able to identify where the farm was from the information you have at present.

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Thursday 21st Apr 2016, 06:02PM
  • Elwyn

    Thanks for looking. I found a Griffith's entry for 1863 for James Elliott in the Townland of Edenagilhorn, which is just minutes from Creagh where he was baptised.  Perhaps this is him? I imagine his parents would be dead by 1901 and I don't believe he had any siblings - so no surprise that the 1901 census is a dead end.  best wishes David

    Saturday 23rd Apr 2016, 10:34AM
  • Griffiths just lists heads of household. So if your James was born in 1851, he would have been 12 in 1863 when Griffiths was compiled so that isn’t going to be him. (The revaluation records show that the Edenagilhorn Elliott was living in an agricultural labourer’s cottage on William Robinson’s farm. He left in 1866.)

    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 25th Apr 2016, 08:27AM
  • Elwyn

    Thanks for this, I didn't realise it just listed householders.  I'm assuming his father John was just employed on a farm.  James's 1877 marriage certificate lists his father's occupation as "Labourer" .  I think James pretty much ended his connection with the area when he went to sea (probably by 1866) , then Belfast then Liverpool. From what I've seen of Grffith's I can't find anything that supports my grandmother's tale that a German family took over the farm.  I have had my dna tested and am on a number of websites with family matching features, hopefully that at some point will give me more clues about my Elliott relations  best wishes David.

    Tuesday 26th Apr 2016, 07:08AM

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