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My great grandfather was born in Co Fermanagh.  He may have come to Australia as a child.  Two Mullins/Mullens families came from Co Fermanagh to NSW Australia.  Both famies had a young son named Robert.  We can't be certain as to which of the families my great grandfather belonged.  Both families claimed that they were not related.  This is a real puzzle.

My great grandfather Robert Mullens was born about 1838 - 1840 in Co Fermanagh.

 He gave different ages with each official form he complete in NSW Australia. Which makes it a little more difficult.

We have tried to have our family history researched but the researcher says that there are now no records existing that would help us due to the fire in the 1920s in Dublin.  Where do I go from here?

Is there anyone else who has Mullens relatives please?

Kind regards



Monday 29th Dec 2014, 04:58AM

Message Board Replies

  • Elizabeth:

    As you likely know, Belleek parish is very close to the Co. Donegal border and it is possible that if records exist that the Belleek records are with the Donegal parish of Pettigo/Templecarn or Carn. 

    I have a reference book that indicates that the Pettigo/Templecarn records start in 1836. (I'm making the assumption that your family was RC). These records are not online.

    Next summer, the National Library in Dublin plans to place all the RC parish registers online for free searching.  You may want to wait and review the pertinent registers when they become available.

    You may also want to look at the Fermanagh Gold site to see if there are any records that may be useful to your research.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 04:35PM

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