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Hi everyone, I wonder if anyone can help me. I'm looking for my late fathers family and have hit a dead end. My fathers name was John ahern and he was born in 1930 and placed in a home awaiting adoption. We think his mothers name was Bridget or Brigid and she came from the Galway area. In 1936, when he was six years old, he was adopted, or boarded, by a family who worked a farm in abbeyknockmoy. We have no information about this family except that when the farmer died in the late 40's, early 50's, he left the land to his nephew as he had no children of his own. My father then travelled to Liverpool and eventually resided in Birmingham in approximately 1951. We are aware that he remained in touch with a neighbour from the adjoining farm, possibly called Margaret, for some time after he moved away but we have no information about her either. When he died we were unable to locate a birth certificate or passport, however he only ever traveled between Ireland and England, and all befor the 80's so we are unsure as to whether he ever had one. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated and I can't wait to hear back.

Thanks, Mike Ahern.


Monday 29th Dec 2014, 12:00PM

Message Board Replies

  • hi,

    There are very few AHERNs living in Galway in 1911, and only one or two of the right age.

    John AHERN 32yo, a Stone Cutter lodging with a Widow and her Niece.…

    There are a couple of Marriage and Death records for a John AHERN in Birmingham that could be who you are looking for...
    A Marriage record should show his Parents names...

    What was your Mothers name ??…~

    That is all I have for the moment.



    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 01:05PM
  • Mike:

    I looked at the civil birth index records and located a 1930 record for a John Aherne in the Galway registration district. (Abbeyknockmoy parish is partially in the Galway registration district and partially in the Tuam district).

    Not sure if this is your father's record but you can get a copy of this record from the general Register Office for around 4 euros. The record would show the mothers name and possibly the fathers name. Let me know if you want instructions for obtaining this record.

    Roger McDonnell

    First name(s) John
    Last name Aherne
    Registration year 1930
    Registered quarter/year Jul - Sep 1930
    Registration district Galway
    Volume 4
    Page 153
    Mother's last name (original) Aherne

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 04:09PM
  • Hi Sean

    Thanks for all your efforts but 1911 is too early as my father was not born until 1930, my mothers name  Teresa but the marriage certificate holds no info as he was adopted at a very early age. I'm not sure the adoption was done in any legal way, just a mutually beneficial arrangement. 

    Thanks, mike.

    Monday 29th Dec 2014, 05:33PM
  • Mike,

    Formal adoption law was only introduced in Ireland in the 1950s, so it is pretty safe to assume that an adoption in the 1930s would have been done without much or any legal paperwork. Often just an oral agreement with a relation or family friend. Sometimes via the church.

    Apart from during the 2nd World War, there has never been a requirement for an Irish person to have a passport to travel to England, and so it's quite possible he never had a passport.


    Ahoghill Antrim

    Wednesday 31st Dec 2014, 01:34PM
  • I am not sure if this hint man be beneficial, but in searching for my ancestors - when the sur  name is Ahern, it  is often mistaken for the sur name Allen, and visa versa.


    Monday 9th Jul 2018, 06:15AM
  • John

    Just saw this post

    I will make inquiries in Abbey with those in their 80s who possibly went to school with your dad - they may remember where he lived and the people there may remember any stories about him 

    Can you email me once you see this message and I will inquire then 


    MartinCurley, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 9th Jul 2018, 02:11PM
  • Mike 

    I have found some people who remember your dad 

    Please get back to me either here or by my email above

    Sorry about mix up with your name in last message


    MartinCurley, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2018, 10:33PM
  • Mike 

    I have found some people who remember your dad 

    Please get back to me either here or by my email above

    Sorry about mix up with your name in last message


    MartinCurley, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 11th Jul 2018, 10:33PM

Post Reply