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My ggrandparents Michael & Catherine Higgins, grandparents John &  Honoria Casey lived in Clonbur - up to late 1890's at least-   Lived in Rusheen ( Clonbur village)  from c 1800 -1890's . Catherine Higgins is buried in Rosshil 1872 , along with her brother in law Patrick Higgins in adjoining graves. Unknown where Michael Higgins is buried - no headstone inscription found ( 1882)  John Casey death & burial unknown ( born in Co Roscommon c 1840's) Honoria buried in Bohermore Cemetery in Galway City 1916 .

Wondering if a History of Clonbur has ever been written ?


Lots of gaps in this side of my family 


Eamonn Haverty


Wednesday 23rd Nov 2016, 04:14PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Eamonn

    There is or was a Journal

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 23rd Nov 2016, 04:50PM
  • Thanky ou Clare Doyle, I've subscribed to the journal you mention.  I'm researching my 2 gr grandfather Patrick Coyne (Kyne) and find one living alone in Clonbur in 1901 at the age of 75.  Hoping I might find more on him



    Thursday 1st Dec 2016, 05:28PM
  • Attached Files
    4lowrybirths.jpg (64.02 KB)

    Hi Pegcalhoun and Clare:

    For what it 's worth, my Great Grandfather Peter Lowry was married to a Bridget Coyne (Kyne) and he died at 80 in 1904 which puts him (and probably Bridget) in the same generation as Pegcalhoun's Great Grandfather Patrick Coyne (Kyne).  My Lowry's lived near Clonbur (Ballydoolaugh) and four of Peter and Bridget Lowry's five children  were baptized there (see attached).  

    Notice in the attachment that a godparent (sponsor)to one of the children is a Patrick Kyne (Kine) and a Thomas Kyne was a "sponsor" for two others.

    If Pegcalhoun has a list of her Great Grandfather Patrick Coyne's (Kyne) siblings and they include a Bridget and Thomas there is a strong possibility Pegcalhoun is connected with my Lowry family by marriage back around 1840 or so.   Frankly, I never, never expected to find information about the Kyne's.  Another star for

    Paul Lowry


    Thursday 1st Dec 2016, 06:49PM
  • Clare,

    I am aware of a Clonbur History Journal published some years ago, There are some copies in the Galway Library Archives in Island House but are not available for borrowing. Just wondering if there is still some copies for sale in Clonbur . Also in same location are Grand Jury (?) or some such local body that detailed the award of contracts for road maintenance, collection and names of cess collectors,  again not available for borrowing - can only be photographed - not photocopied !




    Thursday 1st Dec 2016, 06:50PM
  • Thanks bishboy - for the others who might be interested the Island House Local History Archives is HERE


    Genealogy Support

    Tuesday 6th Dec 2016, 10:28AM
  • Hello Paul
    Thanks for the information on the Coynes. Unfortunately I have nothing more in Patrick Coyne other than his decendants and the fact that he married Catherine Geraghty. It was pretty much a shot in the dark for me to find Clonbur as I could find no other death records for a Patrick Coyne which might fit. My grandmother raised her family in the area of Rosmuc...Ros Dub to be exact. I'll try to find more about where any of Patrick's other children may have settled to see if Clonbur firs in there. Meanwhile, have you done DNA testing? At I am T383666.


    Wednesday 7th Dec 2016, 12:20AM
  • Paul
    Correction to my last post. That was FTDNA number. GEDmatch is T663804


    Wednesday 7th Dec 2016, 12:26AM
  • The primary reason I joined the "Clonbur Family" message board was to find living relatives of two grand aunts who lived in or near Clonbur.  Their death and burial occured in Clonbur as recently as 1950s.  I am looking for any living relatives of these two Lowry sisters who might supply some information about a brother Martin who also lived near Clonbur along with any stories or memories passed down about my Lowry family in Ireland.  Census records show Bridget having nine children (6 girls and 3 boys).  (See attached)

    Based on records (Catherine married a Dempsey and Letitia married a Burke).  The base of Bridget's headstone says it was erected by Patrick and Nan Jackson whom I assume were relatives.  That grave also holds Bridget's son Thady and daughter Mary Loftus who died in 1970. (See attached)

    From this information I'm inclined to think that some living relatives of Bridget Lowry Loftus live in the Clonbur area today.  At this point I hope I don't sound like a stalker.  My only interest is in gathering information about my Lowry grand-aunts and uncle who remained in Ireland while their brother Peter and sister Mary came to Scranton, PA.  At this late date there may be no lingering stories, photos or interest.  But for for me at 78 and my brother 92 connections to their lives would mean a lot if only to pass on to future generations of Lowrys here in the U.S.

    If any folks living in Clonbur happen to know a relative of the Loftus family I sure would appreciate you letting them know that I would love to hear anything about the early family from Ballydoolaugh to Clonbur.  My desire is only to fill in a gap in the family history and share in the family lore from your side of the Atlantic.  And I would like to fill in some empty portions of my family tree diagram.  (See attached)

    Paul Lowry

    New York City



    Sunday 23rd Jul 2017, 07:10PM
  • My Great grandparents, Michael O'Connor and Mary Elizabeth Kyne (Coyne) were married in Clonbur Feb 12, 1876. They lived in Cong, Co. Mayo, but I believe Mary's parents, Michael Kyne b.abt. 1820 and Mary Mellette b. abt. 1820 came from the Clonbur area.  They are buried in Ballyveane.  Michael was the son of an Anthony Kyne.  The Kyne children were: Anthony b. 1839, John. Thomas, Ellen (m. Martin Moran), and Michael.  There may have been more.  Could this family be connected to any of those you are searching?  Sharan




    Thursday 15th Feb 2018, 05:59PM

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