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basic research on origins of my family

- Tony Mitchell

Tuesday 29th Nov 2011, 02:18PM

Message Board Replies

  • hi ancestors were Mitchells, as well.  Check me out on the Caltra parish site.  Do you have any info on your Mitchells?

    Kind regards, Kate

    Sunday 15th Jan 2012, 02:12PM
  • I would like to record my thanks for the assistance, guidance and information forwarded to me thru your Web site via Mr Joe     Molloy.

    Joe has nursed me thru the various pitfalls encountered in research and has managed to identify and locate the exact     property that my GG/Grandfather Michael Mitchell and his wife Ann nee Larkin farmed on Alan Pollock's Lismanny project.

    Joe is a glowing example of people willing and able to help people relocate     long lost Irish roots.

    Kindest Regards

    Tony Mitchell


    Western Australia

    Tuesday 21st Feb 2012, 06:25PM

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