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I'm looking for someone who may know the occupation/trade of Peter Harte from Cloondine (1873).  My ancestor John O'Loughlin may have been apprenticed to him.

Any information gratefuly received.


Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 11:54AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Paul

    If you google the Irish Census or then click on search the Census records for Ireland 1901 & 1911. Choose 1901 and enter Harte Peter Galway you'll get 7 matches

    The fifth is Cloondine aged 60; click on Harte on that entry and you'll get him, wife & daughter

    Lower left of that page is Household return Form A

    Click on that and it will take you to the original record which shows he was a farmer/carpenter


    ColCaff, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th Jul 2014, 12:47PM
  • Hi Paul,

    Nice to hear from you and thank you for getting in touch with Kilbeacanty.Would you know if John O Loughlin was from Kilbeacanty?If so do you know what townland?

    John was apprenticed to Peter Harte as a carpenter.I have come across some interesting details regarding his apprenticeship which, if you  send  an email to me  at , I will forward to you.


    Kindest regards


    Kilbeacanty Galway

    Thursday 31st Jul 2014, 02:40AM

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