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Work has commenced this week  on the restoration of the wall and the repair of Roxborough Gates,  Kilchreest.

Lady Augusta Gregory nee Persse was born at Roxborough. The Lady Gregory Yeats Trail Group applied to Galway Rural Development Company for funds to carry out this restoration work. A sign outlining the life of Lady Gregory  will be erected outside the entrance when the work on the wall and gates are complete in about six weeks. The Trail  will link the historical sites identified with Lady Gregory and WB Yeats between the towns of Loughrea and Gort. Currently a web page is being designed  and hopefully it will be launched before the end of the year.

Wednesday 29th Aug 2012, 09:42PM

Message Board Replies

  • Great to know!! 

    All the best,


    Thursday 30th Aug 2012, 09:00AM

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