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Looking for information regarding John George Robinson a shop keeper who reputedly originally came from Scotland as an Army officer in the early 1800s. I believe he and his wife are likely buried in the Robinson family plot in the Killimor parish cemetary.

His son John Robinson DOB 1840 & Catherine (Kate) nee Larkin DOB 1838 were teachers married in 1864 in Killimor and were buried in the Killimor parish graveyard in 1907 & 1910. There are stained glass windows in the parish church dedicated to John & Kate by his son John Robinson DOB 1872 DOD 1941 who was also a national teacher in Killimor. John's siblings included George Michael Robinson DOB1865 DOD 1877. Peter Robinson DOB 1870. Mary Kate Robinson DOB 1872 married into the Carter family and immigrated to New York. Joseph George Robinson DOB 1875 DOD 1918 Irish Sea RMS Leinster.  Eleanor Robinson DOB 1880 DOD 1951.

The family plot in the cemetary was marked by an old Celtic Cross however this was removed in the early 1970s for unknown reasons. In recent years members of the Kirwans family have been buried in the Robinson plot.

I am the great grandson of Joseph George Robinson who was killed on the Leinster torpedoed off Dublin in 1918. Our line of the family immigrated to NZ in the early 1920s. Members of the family have often returned to Killimor over the years searching for information on the family. We have recently been in touch with members of the Hallidays that descend from John Robinson National School Teacher who died in Killimor in 1941

Any additional information would be much appreciated

Wednesday 15th Aug 2012, 06:42AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Michael,

    I have forwarded your message to two local volunteers who will hopefully have some information for you in the near future. 

    All the best.

    Cynthia O'Connor

    Genealogy support

    Ireland Reaching Out

    Thursday 16th Aug 2012, 02:49PM
  • Hii Cynthia

    Did any feedback come back from the volunteers?

    Thanks in advance


    Friday 14th Nov 2014, 12:22AM

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