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We're visiting Ireland this summer in June, so naturaly, we're doing a quick search on our Irish roots.  On my wife's maternal grandmother's side, it looks straight Irish.  The family name is Gilroy although we've seen it spelled on some US Census records as Kilroy.  According to the oldest person in the family,(I haven't met him, but he's 95 years old), these Gilroys come from Loughrea.

In particular, we're looking for her 2nd Great-Grandparents, Patrick Gilroy and Margaret Gilroy (possibly born as Margaret Kelly).

Here's what we believe is true:

Patrick Gilroy, born around 1815 in Ireland

Margaret Gilroy, born around 1823/24 in Ireland, Family name may (or may not) be Kelly

They had three children born in Irelan and four in Massachusetts, here are my notes off of the 1860 Census:

1860 Census shows the name as Kilroy and his age as 5, mother as Margt age 37 (`1823) and father Patrick as age 45 (~1815)…

M.A. (baby-1860) Massachusetts

Mary 4 (~1856) Massachusetts

James E. 5 (~1855) Massachusetts (This is her great-grandfather)

Carrie 11(~1849) Massachusetts

Patrick 14 (~1846) Ireland

Michael 16 (~1844) (spelled on this census as Micheal) Ireland

Bridget 19 (~1841) Ireland

So, it appears that they left Ireland somewhere between 1846 and 1849 but I haven't found any ship's records or immigration records yet.


Thank you in advance,  I realize that we are basing a lot on our 95 year old cousin's assertions and we look forward to hearing your responses!

Kevin Hall

Carlsbad, CA   92008

Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 06:03AM

Message Board Replies

  • Kevin:

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    We have a parish liaison in Loughrea so I will alert her to your message. The Loughrea RC parish records start in 1827.

    If you have not heard back in ten days or so let me know.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Wednesday 29th Mar 2017, 03:45PM
  • Thank You Roger.  I just found another clue that Margaret, also spelled Margret may have had maiden name of Killian.


    Thursday 30th Mar 2017, 01:32AM

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