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i would be interested in finding any information available concerning the brewery that once stood on the edge of the lake in loughrea.


does anyone know where i can search for this information?


thank you!

Sunday 29th Sep 2013, 12:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,

    Thank you very much for your message. I emailed the Loughrea History Project to see what information if any is available on the brewery and here is the response:

    ?The only information we have on the brewery in question is its connection to Fr Anthony Fahy. O.P., the famous Irish missionary in Argentina.

    Anthony Fahy was born in Loughrea, where his family were proprietors of the brewery on Barrack Street.

    Michael Fahy wrote an article on Fr Fahy for our The District of Loughrea, Vol. 1 History 1791-1918 (p248-251). There is also a mention of the brewery in The District of Loughrea, Vol. II Folklore(p200) - just a passing mention as to its existence there.  Other than that, we do not have any further information at present.?

    The article on Fr. Anthony Fahy mentioned above is available online. Here is the link:

    I hope this is helpful!

    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 11:56AM
  • I looked at the Griffith's Valuation map, and I believe that the Brewery was the last piece of property on the west end of Barrack's Street, on the south side.  I hope the 3 attachments work:  one is a zoomed view of the street; the other two are images of the listing of properties.  The listing for Barracks Street begins at the very bottom of one page, and continues on the next.  Rep. Laurence Fahy shows the owner of the property in 1856.


    These are found online at, the link is here:


    From what I could tell, the person creating the list started on the south side of the street at the far west end.  He walked eastward, still staying on the south side of the street.  At the east end, he crossed the street and began listing everyone on the north side of the street, working back westward.

    If the 3 attachments won't upload together, due to their size, I will add them separately.

    Thank you,

    Mary Van Dyke



    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 02:11PM
  • I also found this website, which has a page called "Mapping the Lost Breweries of Ireland"

    You might find it interesting, and/or be able to contact Barry Masterson (the author) for more information.  It appears at first glance that they've already done the work!

    The first image on this page is actually of Mr. Fahy's Brewery in Loughrea!

    (the following is copied from the web page)


    Last Updated by Barry M on Jul 25, 2008

    Map ID26





    CommentsLewis refers to "An extensive brewery has been erected on the side of the lake by Mr. L. Fahy." THis is likely to be the location of that brewery, marked on the 6" maps. There is also an "Old Brewery" marked to the NE.

    ClassMap and Documentary Evidence

    Wiki Page<Null>




    This might be your gold mine!

    Mary Van Dyke


    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 03:06PM
  • your reply is very helpful. thank you.

    the other person who replied to my question said that the brewery was owned by laurence fahy in 1856.

    i am trying to disentangle the background of my great-grandfather, james fahy who was (i believe) born to a laurence fahy in 1827 in loughrea.

    his father is thought to have died in 1847. could the laurence who owned the brewery in 1856 been another son?

    and in the book "the leaving of loughrea" by stephan lally, it was said the the "disaffected brewery" was taken over in 1847 or 1848 to house poor victims of the famine. could a son have bought it back later?

    furthermore, the father anthony fahey of argenina was born to patrick fahy and his wife belinda....about 20 years before the birth of my great grandfather.

    a kind citizen of loughrea did a rubbing on the tombstone of patrick and belinda in the carmelite cemetery, and found that the grave also belongs to one laurence fahy, second husband of belinda.

    (but my great grandfather's mother was mary and not belinda!)

    laurence and belinda could have married after the deaths of their respective spouses.

    this would mean that father anthony fahy was not a relative of my great grandfather....or probably a cousin. when my great grandfather left ireland in 1847, he did not sail to the usa, but to mexico.

    i am wondering....was he going there to join the mexican army in its fight against the usa? and if this is the case, i would love to know about mexican recruiting in ireland, if such recruiting was done -- there was a whole brigade of irish in the mexican army (the "san patricios") but most of these were former members of the american army, and that is not the case with my ancestor. 

    i do not know if he actually belonged to the san patricios. because another option may be that he was en route to argentina at the invitation of his older cousin, father fahey.

    if you have read to the bottom of this you have exhibited great patience! and if you have any insights on any of the above, or where i could look to find out more, i would be very grateful.





    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 03:21PM
  • wow! thank you!! i will look at these links right away!

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 03:23PM
  • wow! thank you!! i will look at these links right away!

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 03:24PM
  • Hello (I don't know your name, sorry!)

    Do you have James' baptism record?  I have some photographs of the baptisms in Loughrea, and found a James, born Oct 10 and baptised on the 15th of 1827.  Parents are Laurence Fahy and Mary Cunihan (the spelling of Mary's last name might be wrong, it's hard to read the writing).

    It's very possible that your Laurence (father of James) isn't the same man as the man buried in the Abbey (I also have photographs of the headstone, taken at different angles to try to get the words readable.)  It's possible that if the man in the cemetery IS your gg grandfather, and IF his first wife was Mary, then it's possible she's buried somewhere else either in the Abbey or in Garrybreada cemetery.  Keep in mind, though, that Belinda's first husband died in 1810 and that's a long time for the two widow/widowers to remarry (but it's possible).


    It's also possible that Laurence had a son Laurence, too, and the son owned the property.

    I would think that if the brewery was taken over, Rep. Laurence Fahy would still have been the landlord -- maybe he just let the town use the buildings.  Notice how in 1856 it is marked "unoccupied", which could either mean no one lives there, or that it was vacant buildings.

    What might help find more information on the Laurence who owned the brewery property, would be to try to find out about his title "Rep".  What does that mean?  Was he a "representative" of the town in some way?  Would anyone in the area know about HIM vs. the brewery?

    The issues are:  Is the man in the Abbey cememtery YOUR Laurence?  Is the owner of the brewery a relative, and if so, then how?  Did YOUR Laurence die in 1847, or are we assuming the man in the cemetery is him?  What I'm really trying to say is, if there are 2 men, which is James' father, the man in the cemetery, or the owner of the brewery property?

    I'm very interested in what you have on James, after he came to America.  Would you share the information on his wife and children (names/birth-death dates/locations?).  Maybe I can find something else to help in your hunt.




    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 04:49PM
  • hi Mary, and thank you for all of this.


    could i ask if you are a fahy or related in some way?

    yes, you have summarized the situation quite well in your questions...if we could now find the answers!!


    i have a copy of a baptismal certificate for james, born october 10 1827. it does not have a separate date for the baptism.

    of course....i have this certificate because members of my family have donee research, and it could be the wrong james fahy. but the birth date does coincide with that of my ggrandfather.

    here, from "find a grave" is the information on my ggrandfather's grave in america, and this is definitely my real ancestor. note that the birth date is not given, except for the year, and the year is correct.

    his place of birth is listed as county waterford, but this is incorrect. his wife was from there and his children or whoever made this memorial assumed they were from the same place; there are virtually no fahys in county waterford, my research tells me. and my grandmother (his daughter in law) said he was from galway.


    Birth: 1827 County Waterford, Ireland

    Death: May 29, 1887, USA

    Family links: Spouse:

    Ellen Q. Foley Fahey (1833 - 1903)*

    Children: Margaret Fahey (1859 - 1922)* Patrick Henry Fahey (1864 - 1923)* Johanna Fahey (1866 - 1920)*

    *Calculated relationship

    Inscription: James Fahey Died May 29 1887 Age 60 yrs. May His Soul Rest In Peace


    Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery

    Holton Jackson County Kansas, USA

    Maintained by: sesalmon Originally Created by: Thomas Mick Record added: Sep 27, 2008 Find A Grave Memorial# 30114354


    the children listed are not all of his children;  he had six or eight; my grandfather was also named james and was born in 1868.


    are you a relative?

    my name is peggy

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 06:32PM
  • PS


    on the baptismal certificate i have, james' mother is listed as "mary cunningham".


    james, born in ireland, died in kansas, but lived quite a while in chicago.

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 06:39PM
  • Hi Peggy.  No, I'm not a relative, but a volunteer on IRO.

    In 2011, during a 2 week vacation stay in Loughrea, my husband and I photographed the entire Abbey Graveyard, as well as, some of the headstones in the Garrybreada cemetery.  We uploaded them all to FindAGrave, so you can also go to the Abbey Cemetery and search for relatives here:

    So, you see, I have access to information that might help people looking for ancestors from Loughrea.

    I don't know if you noticed, but in 2 of my previous replies, I attached some images.  One was of the headstone for the Laurence Fahey who was 2nd husband of Belinda, and one was an image of the church register when James got baptised.   Some are of the brewery location on Barracks Street.

    (Just click on them (I think there are 7 in all) and you can save them to your computer.)

    I will let you know if I find anything that might confirm James' family.


    Thank you,

    Mary Van Dyke



    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 06:46PM
  • thanks!

    Tuesday 15th Oct 2013, 07:05PM
  • I would like to add to the discussion about James Fahey, the one who moved to America and ended up in Mexico.  My 2nd great grandfather was a James Fahey who came from Galway, ended up in Mexico and then made his way to Illinois where he married Ellen Foley (from county Waterford) in Tazewell County Ilinois in1857.  I know that he had a brother named Patrick.  I followed the thread about the brewery owned by a Fahey in Galway and ended up with your discussion about James Fahey.  I would love to share information.  I have no definitive informationa about James' parents....I had come across the Lawrence Fahey as a possible father (Mary Cunningham as the mother) but have nothing to prove the connection.  My starting point with him has been in Illinois.  I hope this thread is still active!

    Friday 13th May 2016, 08:28PM
  • Hi

    I know this is an old post but my response might help someone else. Laurence Fahy that owned the Brewery in Loughrea was a local loughrea town Councillor or representative.

    He was very active in Loughrea and there are many newspaper articles that mention him at the time.

    He was born about 1789 and died in 1847. He married Belinda Cloran in 1816. Belinda was a widow and her previous husband was Patrick Fahy, a first cousin of Laurence Fahy. Belinda had 7 children with Patrick and a further 3 with Laurence.

    The man James Fahy mentioned above was son of Laurence Fahy and Mary Cunningham. I don't believe that Laurence is the same as Rep Laurence Fahy but he most likely a cousin


    ronan coy

    Thursday 28th Jan 2021, 10:37PM

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