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Found Patrick Fleming in Kilconickny parish, James Haverty in Kilchreest parish Griffith valuation. They look close on the map to Loughrea, Would the couple below have known each other, gone to mass, etc.??? This may be the two parishes of Martin and Mary's birth. See text below.

Martin Fleming born 1820, Mary Haverty born 1825, their first child Anna Fleming born 1850, second child Patrick W. Fleming born 1852 in Ireland.

I have been searching, for several weeks, for links to Loughrea, Galway about my g/g grandparents. Their gravesite in Fairmont, W.V. (USA) states they were both born in Loughrea, Co. Galway. In looking at naming patterns, I suspect Martin's father was named Patrick Fleming, and Mary's father was James Haverty. I deducted this from their first 2 sons being named Patrick William Fleming and the second son James H. Fleming. I have census data for this family from 1860 onward in the US. In searching parish by parish in the Griffith valuations, I have discovered only Boyounagh parish has a James Haverty, and a Patrick and Martin Fleming. I believe Martin Fleming (1820) and Mary Haverty (1825) were both born in Loughrea but there families moved to Boyounagh at some point.

Martin and Mary's first child Anna E. Fleming (1850) and second child Patrick W. Fleming (1852) were both Irish born. In 1855 there were no Fleming's or Haverty's listed for Loughrea parish. I need to find Birth records in Loughrea in 1820-1825 for them, or marriage records in the 1845-1850 in either parish.

This family was RC and are buried in a catholic cemetery here in West Virginia. I believe they immigrated in late 1855 or Jan of 1856. second son (third child) James H. Fleming was born in Virginia (now West Virginia) 22 Jan. 1856.

I have a birth date of 11 nov 1850 for child Anna E Fleming and just the year 1852 For Patrick William Fleming. These are from family history and are not confirmed by record. A link to their birth place could be either parish, as it proceeds the Griffiths time frame.


James D Fleming (named for my paternal grandfather)

James D. Fleming

Sunday 30th Mar 2014, 02:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear James

    I have forwarded your query to a volunteer. I hope they may be of further assistance to you.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Friday 11th Apr 2014, 12:06PM
  • Clare Doyle

    Thanks for your help. I contacted Galwayroots via e-mail and they sent the following response. I am going to send for the documentations, however, the data is somewhat mystifying. Martin and Mary Fleming immigrated with two children that were born in Galway. Patrick was supposed to have been born in 1852. That matches, however they had a child named Anna E. Fleming born in 1850. They later had a daughter Mary (moly) Fleming born in Virginia 21 Jan 1857.

    I think The Fleming clan was from the Carrabane area, and Mary Haverty's family were from Kilchreest. Just speculation on my part. Perhaps the records will clear some of this up. I suppose there could have been a daughter Mary, who died as an infant, and they later reused the name.

    (below is response from Galwayroots)

    Thank you for your email received on the 8th April 2014. A search of our entire database system for East Galway noted the church baptismal records pertaining to two children born to Martin Flemming and Mary Haverty within the Roman Catholic parish of Carrabane; Mary 1848 and Patrick 1852. Unfortunately I failed to note a church marriage record of Martin and Mary. Please be aware that the Roman Catholic Church records for the parish of Carrabane (Kilconickney & Kilconieron) commenced in 1831 for Baptisms and 1830 for Marriages, I am attaching a list of records we hold at our centre for your information. I am also attaching parish history of Carrabane and townland map for your perusal.


    Jim Fleming

    James D. Fleming

    Friday 11th Apr 2014, 03:09PM
  • Hi Jim

    It wouldn't surprise me that the birth dates are 'off' by a few years. It will be interesting to see what the documentation tells you.

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support

    Monday 14th Apr 2014, 08:04AM

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