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My great-grandparents were Thomas Hough and Bridget Horan. Thomas Hough was born in Portumna around 1835 to Edmund Hough and Anne Hocter, respectively.  Thomas and Bridget were married about 1858 in Killimor. Thomas was a Herd and therefore, moved about East Galway tending the flock.  Their children were Michael, John, Patrick and Thomas, that I know of. My grandfather was Patrick Hough. He, along with his brother, John, immigrated to the USA about 1890. I don't know what became of Michael and Thomas or any other children they may have had. I would like to make contact with any Hough or Horan family members who may be related or have knowledge of this family. Thank you.

Anne Tkach

Sunday 22nd Jan 2012, 04:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hello Anne,

    I will see what I can find out locally - there are Horans still in Portumna today, no Houghs that I'm aware of (I'm from Portumna) but some around Eyrecourt, Gurtymadden, Ballinasloe area.

    In the 1901 census there are 21 Michael Houghs and only 4 Thomas Houghs so if you sure they didn't emigrate, it  should be possible to find out which ones were your granduncles - the links are here:

    Search for Michael Hough in the 1901 census:

    Search for Thomas Hough in the 1901 census:



    IRO Office


    Friday 27th Jan 2012, 02:51PM
  • Hello,

    I remember being in the house of an elderly man named Hough in my home place,  Kiilimor,in the 1950's. Other than the fact that he was living alone, I have no other memories of the Houghs of Killimor. However, Iwillget back to you, when I check the local graveyard and speak with other Killimor people.

    I am  avolunteer withh Killimor parish,

    lookingforward to hearing from you,

    Iomar Whelan. 

    Friday 30th Mar 2012, 01:59PM
  • I do not know if there is a connection, but my great great grandmother was born in Kiltormer in 1869. Her name was Mary Hough. She immigrated to United States in the early 1890s.

    Her father was John Hough and her mother Bridget Mannion. The spellings they used in the Philadelphia courthouse were Howe and Manning. John and Bridget were married in 1869 at the Catholic Chapel of Killoran in East Galway. John was 26 year old farmer and Bridget was 18. John's address was listed as Ballyvohan which I suspect is Ballyvaheen today. John's father was listed as Michael Hough and Bridget's father was listed as James Mannion. Wittnesses were Martin Geraghty and Margret Mannion, who could have been her mother.

    I would love to make a reconnection. I have been told there are still Houghs left around Mullagh and Killoran. Does anyone know? Any help would be appreciated.


    Michael Kelly

    Cameron County,
    United States of America


    Saturday 1st Dec 2012, 11:41AM
  • My relative Maria Hobbs born in 1851 in Killimor (daughter of Mary Dignan and Thomas Hobbs) married John Hough in 1871 in Portumna. I am hoping to find a descendent of this family still in ireland. They had at least 9 children, Agnes, Lydia, Mary, Annie, Thomas, Bridget, Delia, John and Micheal. Bridget Hobbs, Maria (Hobbs) Hough's sister lived in New Zealand for many years with Patrick Dignan's family (my 3xgreat grandfather and brother of Maria (Dignan) Hobbs) but returned to Ireland in the early 1900's. I am wondering if she came back to live wih this family but I can't find any evidence of this. I am also interested in connecting with any relatives. Thanks!



    Saturday 13th Jul 2013, 12:10AM

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