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Have a great deal of information on both my great great grandparents but am trying to find out how and where Thomas Delahunty, born 1830(approx.) in Killea, Tiperrary. His RIC record is complete other than cause of death. He was in service but the police memorial has no record of death on duty. He was 19 when he joined and died 10 years later in 1859 leaving a wife, Arabella Butler and a small son, Theobald(Tobias) in Sneem, Kerry. I would love to find cause of death and where he may be buried. They were living in Sneem at the time of his death. This has been a brick wall for lots of years so I really want to solve this. Thank you more than you can imagine.

Friday 18th Jan 2013, 02:06AM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Maureen,

    I'm afraid Sneem is in the far end of the county from me and I don't have any local knowledge. If you post your message in the Templenoe parish query box perhaps someone might be able to help you. Best of luck with your search.


    Sunday 20th Jan 2013, 12:41AM
  • Good Morning Maureen

    Just out of interest have you looked at this website  It is a great website .

    - 140 Kerry Local Authority Cemeteries - 168 Books scanned - 70,000 burial records indexed.


    Also have you written to the local priest?  He maybe able to assist.


    Let me know how you go.


    Sunday 20th Jan 2013, 11:59AM
  • Thank you, Paula. I went to the site you suggested but no luck yet. There's quite a few so I'll keep trying. I live in Maine and have been to Ireland, primarily Sneem. My cousin,also from Maine, has also been there. The parish priest was of no help and not interested in being of much assistance. The priest in Killea, Tipperary, where my cousin went, was more accommodating and had records for Thomas' parents. We'll keep looking. Thanks for the assist. Maureen

    Sunday 20th Jan 2013, 07:16PM
  • Dear Maureen Agnes, I have been wracking my brains to see how I might help. I'm thinking that the newspapers may have carried a story about his death since an RIC man would have been an important person in the locality. Do you have an exact date of death? My book is almost full of queries so I will spend a day in the library soon and if you have an exact date of death, it would save me endless hours on the microfiche.

    Fingers crossed I can help!


    Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 11:20AM
  • Hello Martine, What a generous offer!!  Thomas died on 5,July, 1859 according to his RIC record. He was only 29 years old. I know he was originally from Tipperary but he and my great great grandmother were living in or around Sneem at this time. I've been to Sneem but the parish priest wasn't a lot of help and didn't seem to hold much interest. Relatives there haven't a clue about what happened. His wife was Arabella Butler. They had a son, Theobald(Tobias), who was only an infant at the time of Thomas' death. She remarried a year or so later to a Patrick O'Shea. They left for Australia leaving the son with her parents, Tobias and Catherine Butler. She never returned. I have found half cousins in Australia and they have filled me in on her life. Arabella died of stomach cancer at 48 years of age. I've been intent on finding out what actually happened to Thomas but living in Maine,USA doesn't offer much opportunity. I am so grateful for your offer and will hope, when it's convenient, that you do find something. If not, still thank you for your offer and efforts. My Best from Maine, Maureen Delahanty Calder

    Wednesday 23rd Jan 2013, 03:23PM
  • Dear Maureen,

    I guess you have these records for Arabella

    For Tobias Delahunty and his wife Margaret Falvey

    1901 census for Tobias D and family

    1911 census

    Until I can find more, let me know if you have all this?



    Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 12:21PM
  • Hello Martine, I did not have all this information. I didn't have the marriage date for Arabella's 2nd marriage to Patrick Shea. Ialso did not have the 1901 census. I do know in the 1911 census that there are two errors(misprints). Julia Delahunty as head of household is actually Tobias and Louis Delahaunty is actually Denis. I am certainly grateful for all your help. I'm still checking out cemeteries (there's so many) and no luck yet. I'll keep working through the list. I am curious as to why there is nothing listed specifically for Sneem. Your assist is much appreciated. My best, Maureen

    Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 02:21PM
  • Hello Martine, I did not have all this information. I didn't have the marriage date for Arabella's 2nd marriage to Patrick Shea. Ialso did not have the 1901 census. I do know in the 1911 census that there are two errors(misprints). Julia Delahunty as head of household is actually Tobias and Louis Delahaunty is actually Denis. I am certainly grateful for all your help. I'm still checking out cemeteries (there's so many) and no luck yet. I'll keep working through the list. I am curious as to why there is nothing listed specifically for Sneem. Your assist is much appreciated. My best, Maureen

    Thursday 31st Jan 2013, 02:22PM
  • Dear Maureen, no luck at the library. After about 2 hrs reading papers from June onwards, I had to leave it. Is there is a possibility that Thomas died of natural causes. The only other possibility is that Thomas Delahunty was involved in some incident earlier in the year and was ill for some time before he died. That will mean another trip to the library and a lengthy trawl through the earlier papers. I spoke to your cousin Noel in Sneem also. What a lovely man!  

    I will keep Thomas in my book and hope to make a breakthrough later. Have your Australian cousins got any information about Thomas?

    I feel very disappointed as I thought we might be onto something.

    I look forward to hearing from you again.


    Tuesday 5th Feb 2013, 10:58AM
  • Hello Martine, Thank you for putting so much effort in to assisting me. Yes, Noel is a terrific gentleman. I love that I've had the opportunity to meet him. Haven't heard from him in a couple of years. 

    My Australian cousins have no knowledge of Thomas other than what I provided them when we were first in contact. It is quite possible that something befell Thomas earlier than his death but have no way of knowing for sure.

    Is there a way for me to browse through papers at the time? I don't know what's available or how costly it could be.

    I'd love to make a return trip to Ireland but don't see that in my near future.

    I wish I could provide you with some more clues as to what happened. I am grateful that I have the information I do have now but my investigative curiosity has gotten the better of me with this one. My search on both my father(Delahanty) and mother(Kavanaugh) has been primarily in Ireland since my grandfather Thomas Delahanty was the one who immigrated to the US and both Kavanaugh and O'Connell great grandparents on my mother's side came here. I've had some luck with all but am at an impasse it seems. 

    Your work is much appreciated. Thank you. Maureen


    Sunday 10th Feb 2013, 12:26AM
  • Dear Maureen, our local librarian suggested that a record of Thomas' death may be recorded in a newspaper most closely linked to his home place in Tipperary.

    This is the online newspaper archive

    The Nenagh Guardian was established in 1838. This is a subscription service but colleagues tell me that if you plan your research you may not need to be online for long. Sadly if Thomas died of Famine Fever his death may not be mentioned. 

    Do let me know if you proceed..I'd love to know what happened to him.


    PS if you post again will you open a new thread/post as there are so many coming online I would hate to miss it.

    Tuesday 19th Feb 2013, 02:30PM

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