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My great grandfather Michael J. Healy was born in Ireland in or around 1833, possibly in County Kerry.  He married Catharine Lynch who was also born in Ireland around 1836.  It is not clear if they married in Ireland or afther they met in the United States.  A possible immigration record belonging to Michael shows he arrived in the United States in 1856.  We were told that Michael immigrated to the U.S. with his brothers.

It is possible according to one record I found that he was born in Annascaul.

I have records from that point on showing that Michael and Katharine moved to Bennington, VT and raised a family there.

If you have any information on Michael J. Healy in Ireland I would like to know about it.  His name unfortunately is rather common so I seem to get bogged down in records for lots of Michael Healys.

Thank you,

Kathleen Healy

Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Tuesday 10th Jul 2012, 02:34PM

Message Board Replies

  • I am from a town not far from Ballyduff and Ardfert roughly about 6miles and I have a brother in law from Ardfert and from Ballyduff,I will check with both their families on Healys in the area as in these little villages everyone knows everyone.


    Saturday 18th Aug 2012, 05:15AM
  • Unfortunately I am not certain of who Michael Healy's brothers were.  All I know for sure is that he immigrated to the U.S. with his brothers.  I believe one of them may have been named John.

    Thank you so much!

    Kathleen Healy

    Monday 22nd Oct 2012, 09:40PM

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