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Hi, I am looking for information on my greatgrandfather, John (jr)Kennedy. He was born in Ballybowler, Dingle, Co Kerry.   His parents were Catherine Sullivan and John Kennedy. 

He had several siblings, Thomas, Maurice, Catherine, Michael, Johanna, Mary.  John and Kate Kennedy both aged 60 years were listed on the census 1901 in the townland of Ballybowler.  Also in the census listed were, Thomas Kennedy son aged 36, a farmer, married to Mary Kennedy aged 28 years. Children John Kennedy aged 2 years and Michael Kennedy aged 1 years. In addition is Maurice Kennedy son aged 21, listed as general lab and not married. They live in a 2nd class of house with 3 windows to the front of house and 4 out houses. Their immediate neighbours are listed as Patrick Martin (10 people in house), James Barrett (10 people in house), Patrick Kennedy (5 people living in house) and John Brosnan (9 people living in house). It is thought that Maurice Kennedy moved to Garafinny.

If anyone has any information, please contact Paula at

Many Thanks

Monday 6th Feb 2012, 12:11PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Paula

    I have been using this website: for a few years now & have found many family baptism's & marriages, I recommend it to all & for Kerry it is great, click on blue writing to bring up the records, selct by date at the top of the page to get them in date order, there are a few Sullivan's & Kennedy's there, also try just the surnames it will surprise with an area to see families from the same town, good luck

    Maureen O'Connor NZ

    Thursday 23rd Feb 2012, 09:38PM

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