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I found these ads in the Boston Pilot:

PATRICK MORAN  OF PATRICK and MICHAEL MORAN, from the parish of Dingle, county Kerry; when last heard from, Patrick was in Lawrence, Mass, and Michael in Little Falls, New York. Any information will be thankfully received by their brother, Cornelius Moran, 234 Seventh street, (Editor's note: City or State not given, but probably Seventh street, New York, is intended.) *(My note)

Start Date: Nov 28, 1863
Volume V: 1861 - 1865

(*This could have been Seventh St. in Cincinnati, based on the entry below.)

PATRICK MORAN  OF PATRICK and MICHAEL MORAN, of the parish of Gaffinroe, near Dingle, county Kerry. I left Patrick in Lawrence, Mass., twelve years ago, and have not heard anything concerning him since. When I last heard from my brother Michael, seven years ago, he was within thirty miles of Little Falls, New York. Any information concerning them will be thankfully received by their brother and sister, Cornelius and Johanna Moran. Direct to Cornelius Moran, care of John O’Connor, 7 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Jun 16, 1866
Volume VI: 1866 - 1870

On my grandfather's US Civil War papers his father is shown as P. C. Moran.  I believe he may be Patrick (possibly Cornelius) Moran.  His date of birth varies bewteen 1808-1812 in records. His spouse was Margaret Herbert.  They may have been married in the US, and she may not be from Kerry.He probably arrived in Boston around 1845.

Thursday 14th Mar 2013, 09:44PM

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