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My name is Thomas Michael Quirk. My grandfather Thomas Quirk was born at Coomasaharn in 1846 & left for USA 1862. I believe his father was Michael Quirk & his mother Catherine Moynahan. I have visited there twice in the 1970's & met some of the Quirks still living there, Michael & Thomas with family's. They have since passed away. They would be my cousins. My wife Peggy said there was no doubt we were related. There were 14 family's before The Famine. I seen the ruins of the cabins. It was a very emotional moment for me looking down at Lake Coomasaharn & realizing this is what my Grandfather seen as a boy growing up there. I felt as if I had come home. I never knew him, he passed away 10 yr's before my birth. I have only a few cousins & they are girls. I have no children of my own. If anyone would like to contact me I would be more then happy. Have a Happy & Blessed Christmas. God Bless. Tommy.


Sunday 20th Dec 2015, 07:26PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Tommy

    Wishing you a very Happy Christmas too. I hope some Quirk family will be in touch with you.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 21st Dec 2015, 04:19PM

    Hi Tommy, 

    My family, Courtneys, were from Kealduve Upper which is right near where your family is from. When we visit Glenbeigh we always hike up there and it is gorgeous. Like your family all we have left are girls--no Courtneys. 

    My grandmother was one of 9 children and she was the only one to emigrate. She was always homesick so I love Glenbeigh. 

    We live in Boston, is that where you are too?? Hope you are well! I would love to chat more if you see this!!

    :) Ann




    Thursday 28th Apr 2016, 11:40PM

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