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I am researching my Daly family in Killeentierna (see Daly family thread for more information). I have been told that the parents, Daniel and Mary Barrett Daly, are buried in Immaculate's Cemetery.  I am hoping that some kind soul who also has relatives buried there would be willing to take a digital photograph of Daniel and Mary's (April 1871 - 31 March 1953) headstone.  I would also be interested in seeing any other Daly stones that may be there.  Thanks in advance! --Helen 

Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 03:17PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Joan,

    Thank you very much. I would greatly appreciate it!

    i am sorry I don't have the location. If you think it would help, I could try to email Father Flynn to see if they have a plot listing. Please let me know if you would like me to send him a message. 

    I apologize for not replying sooner, but I was out of town at a genealogy conference. 

    Hope to hear from you soon!


    Monday 25th Mar 2013, 04:29AM
  • Hi Helen - Did you manage to get in touch with Batty Daly Knockaderry ? Farranfore/Killarney Rd. Batty is the book of knowledge on the Dalys .. and he has a great interest. Let me know if you want to make contact. Also where do you live Helen ?

    Saturday 8th Aug 2015, 02:41PM

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