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I am researching my Daly family in Killeentierna (see Daly family thread for more information). I have been told that at least three of the Daly children are buried in Saint Michael's Cemetery. 

I am hoping that some kind soul who also has relatives buried there would be willing to take a digital photograph of Patrick Daly's (3 December 19990) headstone for me. He is buried with his sister Mai (Mary Agnes 23 January 1994). I would also be interested in seeing any other Daly stones that may be there. 

Thanks in advance!


Tuesday 22nd Jan 2013, 03:12PM

Message Board Replies


    Hi Helen,


    Thank you for your message.


    I have passed it on to one of our volunteers in the area who may be able to help or know of someone who can help!


    Kind regards,


    Genealogy Support


    Friday 22nd Mar 2013, 04:42PM
  • Thank you for your assistance!  I look forward to hearing from someone. 

    I apologize for not getting back to you sooner. I was out of town at a genealogy conference. 


    Monday 25th Mar 2013, 04:25AM
  • My Kerry headstones project may have some headstones photos . I did miss the old graveyard at back .

    I am actually working on Killeeentierna new section at the moment and will have it online shortly.

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 12:20AM
  • My Kerry headstones project may have some headstones photos . I did miss the old graveyard at back .

    I am actually working on Killeeentierna new section at the moment and will have it online shortly.

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 12:20AM
  • My Kerry headstones project may have some headstones photos . I did miss the old graveyard at back .

    I am actually working on Killeeentierna new section at the moment and will have it online shortly.

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 12:21AM
  • My Kerry headstones project may have some headstones photos . I did miss the old graveyard at back .

    I am actually working on Killeeentierna new section at the moment and will have it online shortly.

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 12:21AM
  • Found this

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 02:01AM
  • There's no photo that I can see... ?

    Friday 8th Nov 2013, 02:07AM

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