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 George Fawkner was born 1758 in Balbriggan Co Dublin

He married Ann Griffin who was b 1763 Balrothery married in  Balrothery 12 Jan 1784

 Children were Matthew born dec 12 1797  ,James and Susanna b 12 Nov.1805 but died as infant's Twins

Have found a Thomas Faulkner b Balbriggan who married  10 Aug 1805 Mary Martin 

So am hoping this is the same family  There was also an Elizabeth I believe who married in Dublin

Son Matthew bacame a Coast Gurad after spending time at sea. 

Served in many station's in Ireland before being sent to Clovelly Devon. There he married Alice Finch 

one child born in Clovelly  Alice Fawkner 

Alice Finch  died and after a few years  Matthew married a widow Elizabeth Heard nee Jennings,Dec 22 1840

Children  Thomas Jennings Fawkner  20 July 1841,Margaretta Fawkner 1843 Clovelly and Mary b 22 Sept 1846 in Falmouth Cornwall  

The names MAtthew Thomas,and George go through all later generations

Thomas Jennings Fawkner went to sea at an early date at some time before 1865 he arrived into USA

Married Annie McBride in MAine 1865

Annie was born in Ireland but do not know where

Two daughters Mary Elizabeth[Lilly] b Boston and Margaretta b 1876 Portland Maine

He became a deep sea diver while in USA and then I think Annie died and he  then came to Australia Sydney with new wife Margaret Corrigan from Gaskinstown Duleek Co Meath  

Wednesday 29th Feb 2012, 07:25AM

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