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I have tracked down a Sylvester/Silvester Lucitt (b. about 1792) from ballineanig-Castlequarter and am looking for more information on this family name.  I know there are Lucitts living in Tralee today and many with the surname came from the Dingle area.  I haven't found much in the census and am unsure of how to get parish records.

Monday 28th Jul 2014, 06:01PM

Message Board Replies

  • Christine:

    Check out for Co. Kerry baptismal and marriage records. Lots of Lucitt records including an 1824 baptism of a Sylvester Lucitt in Ballyferriter RC church, father Sylvester and mother Ellen Lovet.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 28th Jul 2014, 07:00PM
  • thank you!  

    Monday 28th Jul 2014, 07:21PM
  • thank you!  

    Monday 28th Jul 2014, 07:21PM
  • Christine,

    My 4th great grandmother was Mary Lucitt if my research is correct...She married James Goggin in Ballyferriter...I've seen Sylvester's name as a sponsor on some of my family baptismal records and I wonder if he and Mary might be is he connected to you ?



    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 11:20AM
  • Hi KerryOkie!

    I have seen the same as you - the sponsor name on many records.  There are two, maybe three Sylvester Lucitts.  I think the Sylvester you are talking about is my Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandfather.  He also had a son named Sylvester who immigrated to the US.  I have seen reference to one more Sylvester who was born later than the other two, but I am not sure who he is the son of. 

    It seems like there are lots of children/cousins with the same first names and it is difficult to tell which one the records are referring to.  I have also run into children who died as infants and it looks like the parents re-use the name again.  I have several Mary Lucitt's in my family tree.  If you want to send me more infomation about her I can see if she is one that I have.  My email is cremenih @

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 02:25PM
  • Hello Christine,

    I have sent a message to your e-mail address..


    Friday 3rd Apr 2015, 12:17PM

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