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Hello and good day,

I recently came across a record on the family search site for Ireland landed estate court files 1850-1885

I t showes a widow jane egan  event probate 1874, meath ireland record document 022 , volume 119 , bolume date range may-june 1875 

county meath alternate event place brannockstown 

has anyone seen or heard of these records and would they have the name of the deceased? and any other info heirs etc... I am pretty sure this records is one I am looking for. My jane came to the usa in 1875 with 3 of the 5 children no mention of husband until 1880 census lists as widow. never found the incomming records for them. or departing records. any info would be greatly appreciated. thank you  cathy 

Thursday 21st Mar 2013, 07:16PM

Message Board Replies

  • The LDS site does have copiesof the Encumbered Estate Auctions - which confusingly comes up as Probate Records. After the Famines the land was depleted of both tenants and tenants who could pay their rent. The middlemen and landlords who depended on the rents found themselves unable to service thier debts. The state passed a couple of Encumbered Estates laws which essentially allowed the state to sell of the land to pay the debts. The land, or to more precise the leases to the land, were valued and auctioned. The valuation included the name of the tenant as well as details of the tenants lease, which if it was the common lease for lives, mentioned individuals who were often family members.

    It is a bit of a lucky dip as to how much information you get. Bad news is that for reasons I do not understand the only way to view these records is on the computer in an LDS history centre.

    Bob Graham (County Fermanagh XO)

    Friday 22nd Mar 2013, 08:31PM
  • Thank you Bob for that information.  I did see that on the site later that I could view some of the records that they had however they did not explain what information was available. I was pretty far off thinking that it was the probate of the will for her husband her being the widow. It does give me  information that she was living in 1874 in a different part of ireland than orginally thought.  Most of the records I have found have the family living in roscommon. I am not sure how far away meath would be but maybe if I search using meath instead of roscommon I may find the answers to some other questions. Thanks and if you are seeking any info from the north east united states area give me a shout I could probably help. Cathy

    Friday 22nd Mar 2013, 08:48PM
  • Meath and Roscommon are neighbours.

    Google counties of Ireland and you will get a map.


    Bob Graham (County Fermanagh XO)

    Friday 22nd Mar 2013, 09:00PM

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