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I am seeking confirmation of the home parishes and other information for my GG grandparents, James Shea and Catherine Cooper.  I do not know details of their departure from Ireland or their arrival in the U.S., but by James' obituary in 1898 indicates he came from Tipperary about 50 years ago.  Birth and other records from St. Mary's Church (also known as Govans and Star of the Sea), show they were settled in Baltimore by 1853, where their son, Michael James Shea was born.  There are several other members of the Cooper family at this parish, John (married to a Winifred?), Maria, and Michael. Catherine's tombstone indicates she was born in 1826 in County Waterford, while James' records indiate he was born in 1821 in Tipperary.  It's possible, though not confirmed that Catherine arrived in 1851 on the ship Chesapeake.  Any help confirming information about their families, parishes, and departure from Ireland would be most appreciated!

Sunday 10th Mar 2013, 06:47PM

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