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I am looking to contact any of the Lawlors of Castleroe that are still in the area. I am decended from Peter Lawlor (1848) - his son Lawrence Lawlor (1894) was my Great Grandad and Lawrence's daughter Pauline Lawlor d(2010) was my Gran. I am researching a book on the family and have some very interesting photos from the time of the War of Independence. Lawrence's younger brother Francis Joseph Lawlor lived on the farm in Castleroe from 1917-1924 and two older brothers were living there as well with their uncles and one aunt. The names of the older brothers were Thomas Peter Lawlor and John Edward Lawlor. If anyone has any information on any of their decedents I can be contacted on

Tuesday 6th May 2014, 03:07PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Audrey

    I have passed your query to a volunteer. I hope they will be in touch with you soon

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support


    Thursday 8th May 2014, 02:33PM
  • Hi Audrey

    Clare asked me to follow up on your query with you, which I am very happy to do.  I am based in Kildare so I hope I can help.

    I think I have the Uncles, Aunt and Nephews  on the 1911 census: Edward Lawlor (71), Thomas (76), Mary Anne (78), Thomas (26) and John (19) both nephews to the older residents - all living in House 2, Castleroe, East (Dunmanoge, Kildare). If this is the correct family can you just clarify a couple of things for me please.

    1. Do you want to trace the descendents (if any) of the 2 nephews Thomas and John?

    2. It states on the Census that the nephews were both born in Co. Donegal.  Does this tie in with your details?

    3. Where were the rest of the family in 1911 i.e. your Great Grandfather and his other siblings and parents?

    If you have any further details that will help with the search I can be emailed at

    All the best


    Kildare Town Parish Liaison

    Thursday 8th May 2014, 09:39PM
  • Thank you Linda. Best of luck Audrey


    Genealogy Support

    Friday 9th May 2014, 08:22AM
  • Hi Audrey

    Did you receive the email I sent you?  Hope it didn't end up in spam!



    Thursday 15th May 2014, 09:50PM

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