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Monday 28th Jul 2014, 07:58AM

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  • Dear otrider5

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out! Do you know anything else about William?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Tuesday 29th Jul 2014, 03:17PM
  • No Clare, I don't know anything about him.  I am researching a Marie/Mary Cuff, (my Gr Gr Gr Grandmother) known to have been born in Kildare in 1810.  I have all kinds of information about the family after they came to the states EARLY 1834 or before~  (her husband, Eugene/Owen Reed/Reid,  applied for citizenship in 1836)  According to her death notice they were married in Ireland but I have no proof so far, beyond that I am clueless.  Just started searching and this fellow popped up. 

    Any info you can provide would be greatly appreciated as I am very new to searching on your side of the pond!  :)  Way too many townlands and parishes...very confusing and not quite sure of how to search in an organized fashion..  Start with one Townland then search all the parishes under that listing???OH MY!!

    Again, sorry, not much help.

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 07:58AM
  • Hi again

    This is a good site for info on the land divisions:

    I had a look on and there but there doesn?t seem to be any Reid/Cuff marriages.  This leads me to believe that she may have been married in a parish and at a time that predates parish records.  I also checked to see if any children of the couple had been born in Ireland, without success.

    There are a few Cuffe entries in the Griffith?s Valuation but no William; has one William Cuffe marriage in Co. Kildare in 1834. As this is a subscription site, I am limited in what I can see.  It might be no harm to have a look as there is only one and see if the record any provide any further information

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 30th Jul 2014, 10:18AM

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