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My family has been searching for our 2nd g grandfather for years, only knowing that he came from County Clare, but that was it.  I THINK I may have found him and his wife's wedding info?  I was searching the Clare Library online and found an entry that was from Kilrush, St. Senan's and merely stated their last names and the date, which all match.  But without their first names, how is one to really know it's them? 

The entry only said "18 June 1857 at Kilrush, Lynch to McMahon of Kilrush, in presence of Thomas Cormack and J. Lynch."

My 2nd g gpa was Michael J Lynch (born 17 Aug 1831 in County Clare)

My 2nd g gma was Mary McMahon (born 1840 in County Clare)

We would like to find any information and have exhausted the LDS,, irelandancestry,, etc.

The trail is cold and I'd like to find my great great grandfather. :)

Thank you for any information!!

Karen Lynch

Wednesday 14th May 2014, 02:57AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Karen

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    As you say, there is no real way from just looking at that marriage info whether you can rule the record in or out! I have passed your query to a volunteer. I hope they will be in touch with you soon.

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 19th May 2014, 11:07AM
  • Thank you Clare!

    Karen Lynch

    Monday 19th May 2014, 11:49PM
  • Thank you Clare!

    Karen Lynch

    Monday 19th May 2014, 11:49PM
  • Hello Clare,

    Still no word from the volunteer about my query for my g g gpa.  I have continued to search and and no luck.  Neither one has information from County Kilrush.  The part that I found about the marriage in the first place was from the clarelibrary but they could not help me further.  I was told to check with the St. Senan parish in Kilrush.  I have sent them 2 emails to 2 different people and have yet to hear back, it's been 2 weeks. 

    I really have no other infor on my gg gpa other than his giant gravestone said "Born in County Clare, Ireland"  I have found him on US Census' and I think that's where I got a date of birth as 17 Aug 1831, but no idea as to where exactly? 

    The Clare Library had a note from someone who had seen a record on microfilm and that's where I found the Lynch being married to McMahon in 18 June 1857, but the US Census had them married in 1858 which was close enough for me.  However, both Mary McMahon and Michael Lynch are common enough names and I don't know if it's really them. 

    I have found Mary McMahon's parents, my 3rd g grandparents.  It's confusing but stay with me, lol..... Mary's father was Patrick McMahon, born about 1805 in County Clare and died in 1870 in the USA.  Mary's mother's surname Lynch so she was Mary Lynch, born in Ireland (no whereabouts?) around 1808 and died in 1866 in the USA.  So you see, Mary McMahon married a Lynch and her mother, Mary Lynch married a McMahon.  How's that for confusing?!?!????

    The LDS reference film I found listed under the Kilrush resources was film #0979696 and when you go the LDS site, it only gives you the fact that it is a microfilm and you can view it in Salt Lake City, which is several days drive away and everything that was posted was what I posted in my original post.

    Do you have a contact at St. Senan's or ? for me to reach out to?  I have several paid genealogy sites that I pay for monthly and I have been doing so for years and I really can't afford to keep paying anymore..... also there seems to be no more new information. 

    My cousin and I are planning a trip out there next year but I am trying to get this sorted beforehand so we know where to go.  Kilrush may not be correct?

    Also, my gg gpa birthday is 17 Aug 1831 in County Clare and there is one record in Rootsireland to purchase but the year is off by 2 and it doesn't list the parish, so I don't want to pay that chunk of money if it's not correct. 

    If you have any other ideas for me to explore, please let me know.  It's been a very busy 2 years getting this far and I am determined to figure this out, if I can.  All of our parents are dead and we have no other relatives to ask, and my cousins and I are in our 40's so our grandparents passed away quite some time ago.  We have no family albums or records, a house fire in the 1930's destroyed that all.

    Thank you for your patience,

    Karen Lynch

    Karen Lynch

    Tuesday 27th May 2014, 11:52PM
  • Dear Karen

    I will get in touch with another volunteer and she will contact you within the next day or so

    Best wishes


    Genealogy Support 

    Wednesday 28th May 2014, 08:43AM
  • Reets,

    I'm glad you found a break-through in your research!  I get small breaks over the years.  I started my research about 8 years ago and have recently (2 yrs ago) picked it up again.  Just getting to County Clare took 8 years and my now deceased Dad thought his grandparents were from Cork!  So you see, I AM looking in all sorts of places and am limited to mostly just my computer since I am in the States and with work and family have even less time to devote to searching.  Nor have I been to Ireland to look for myself or have any people there to look for me, until now, hopefully.  However!  The latest and greatest break-through was a single line item posted (buried in 6 hrs of searching one day 2 weekends ago) from the Clare Library, it read,

    "18 June 1857 at Kilrush, Lynch to McMahon of Kilrush, in presence of Thomas Cormack and J. Lynch." 

    There we no first names but my 2nd g grandparents were Michael J. Lynch and Mary McMahon, married by my info only a yr off.  So the witnesses may be a clue, hopefully J. Lynch is Michael's father?  There just doesn't seem to be anything so obvious in my searchings until this.  I am hoping to follow this lead as far as I can.  As we both know, one little piece of evidence can open one or many doors.  I have also found relatives on the opposite coast and we have pooled our information and this is as far as we've gotten. 

    I'm still very dedicated to this and hope to get a volunteer to assist me further, God willing, and help us find our family!  It's never been known and now it seems all of the families are waiting for news from me to see what I find. :)




    Karen Lynch

    Sunday 1st Jun 2014, 01:07AM
  • Dear Karen:

    Many thanks for your query and your interest in the Ireland Reaching Out project.  I am not the parish liaison for Kilrush, but I know someone who I will ask and let them know that you have been very anxious to find out anything. 

    If you don't hear back from someone in a week, please get back to me and I will try to look for you in the Local Studies Centre.


    Kind regards,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 2nd Jun 2014, 09:21PM
  • Thank you so much Jane! :)

    Karen Lynch

    Tuesday 3rd Jun 2014, 12:37AM
  • Hello Jane!

    Well no luck for me. :( It's been a week and a half and no one has contacted me about my query.

    I wish there was something I could do to help in this search.....

    I'm open to suggestions at this point???


    Karen Lynch

    Friday 13th Jun 2014, 04:44AM
  • Karen

    Have passed this to Jane so she will see it

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 16th Jun 2014, 12:24PM
  • Hi Karen:


    I will be in the Local Studies Centre this week and I will have a look at the registers on the microfilm for you.  I will get back to you at the end of this week.  

    All the best,



    Tulla Clare, IrelandXO Volunteer

    Monday 16th Jun 2014, 04:12PM
  • I found no Lynch/ McMahon Marriage in the Kilrush parish registers. I did find the following.

    Births to Michael Lynch and Mary McMahon

    Mary Kate 5/03/1889

    Eliza Anne 30/03/1890

    Bernard 24/04/1891

    Bridget 5/5/1893

    Ellen 22/11/1895


    Friday 20th Jun 2014, 10:32AM
  • I found no Lynch/ McMahon Marriage in the Kilrush parish registers. I did find the following.

    Births to Michael Lynch and Mary McMahon

    Mary Kate 5/03/1889

    Eliza Anne 30/03/1890

    Bernard 24/04/1891

    Bridget 5/5/1893

    Ellen 22/11/1895


    Friday 20th Jun 2014, 10:32AM

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