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My grandfather, Reuben Gadd, and his younger brother, Charles Gadd were both born at Curragh Camp where their father was serving in the army. I have their birth certificates and Charles' death certificate. Reuben was born 31.12.1884. Charles was born 14.1.1887 and died 15.1.1887. I wondered if there were any records of baptisms at the camp.

Saturday 10th May 2014, 03:36PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi Vivien

    Id like to help if I can.  Can you give any more details from the birth certs? Parents names and address etc?

    thank you

    Linda Magee

    Kildare Town Parish Liaison

    Saturday 10th May 2014, 08:37PM
  • Hi Linda,

    Thanks for your reply.

    The parents names were Henry Gadd and Alice Gadd and they were living at the Curragh Camp where Henry was in the army (Royal Engineers).



    Saturday 10th May 2014, 08:57PM
  • Thanks Vivien

    I'll see what I can find and get back to you.


    Sunday 11th May 2014, 10:12PM
  • Thanks Linda,

    Look forward to hearing from you.

    Regards, Vivien

    Monday 12th May 2014, 04:56PM
  • Hi Vivien

    I emailed the CofI archives library with the details but unfortunately they have no record of the baptisms.  As you already have the birth certificates I wonder are you looking for something specific about the Gadds or was it just curiosity?



    Monday 12th May 2014, 08:15PM
  • Hi Linda,

    Curiosity really - the other siblings were christened in various places so thought that Reuben and Charles would have been too.

    Thank you for all your research - I appreciate it.



    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 03:50PM
  • Hi Vivien

    I'm sure they were, it's just that a record has not survived.  Let me know if you need any further help.

    All the best


    Tuesday 13th May 2014, 04:08PM

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