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looking for michael walsh who was born 10/06/1950,and was a member of the  armed forces ,was married to susan caffrey,and had a daughter called selina marie who was born on 24/06/1977 in munster, germany

Thursday 3rd Jan 2013, 01:21PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi,


    Thank you for your message. 


    It may be a good idea to also place this message in a more local forum. As Michael Walsh was born in 1950 there is a great chance that there are still people in the area that would have known him. Here are some places where it may be possible for you to do this:

    Kilkenny People:

    Kilkenny Advertiser:

    The Kilkenny Reporter:



    I hope that this suggestion helps.


    Kind regard,


    Genealogy Support

    Wednesday 27th Feb 2013, 04:36PM

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