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I am interested in information about my ancestor's family in Ireland.  The oldest famiy member for whom I have any information is Patrick Kelly.  He was born in 1792 reportedly in Ballycallan, Kilkenny,  and died in 1858 in Dearborn, Michigan.   He  attended Birchfield/St. Kieran's beginning in 1814.  Departed for the U.S. in 1821.  Was ordained (Catholic priest) either in New York by Bishop Connolly or in Ireland prior to departure.  Served in western New York until 1829, then travelled to Detroit area.  From 1829 to his death in 1858 he  ministered to the Irish Catholic population in Wisconsin and Michigan, including Milwaukee, Ann Arbor and Dearborn areas.  Four of his brothers also emigrated to the U.S.:  Michael, born 1805; James, born 1809; Walter, born 1814 and Thomas, born 1815.   Short biographical statements about Father Patrick Kelly typically mention that he is from Ballycallan, though sometimes the placename 'Birchfield' is mentioned.  The information I have for Walter Kelly (my great-great grandfather) also mention Ballycallan and/or Birchfield.  Patrick Kelly began using 'O'Kelly' as his surname sometime after 1829.  His younger brother Walter also began using 'O'Kelly.'  

For a start, I would like to find out who the parents were, how many other children were in the family and what became of them.  

Am looking for assistance.

Sincerely, Barbara Brugman

Monday 8th Apr 2013, 03:58PM

Message Board Replies


    Hello Barbara

    Thanks for your query

    The reality of finding documentation pertaining to births/baptisms/marriages/deaths in Ireland prior to 1800 – particularly in rural areas – is that they simply may not exist. Some registers for urban areas pre-dating 1800 may exist – though often these can be fragmented- as there was an increased need in cities or larger towns to document the population. Please also note that the Church of Ireland was the official church of the country and therefore the bulk of information that does survive for earlier periods is often from these registers.

    Most Catholic records are held locally - One site which might be of use is - - where you can ‘browse’ an overview of available records per county. If you have any difficulty, you could try writing to the parish priest for possible assistance.

    You could try checking the land records called the Tithe Applotment Books (1823-38)  or the later Griffith's Valuation (1848-64)

    The Tithe Applotment List might be of use to you, or at least interesting for you. These lists constitute the only nationwide survey for the period, and are valuable because the heaviest burden of the tithes to the Established Church, the Church of Ireland, fell on the poorest, for whom few other records survive. The information in the Tithes is quite basic, typically consisting of townland name, landholder's name, area of land and tithes payable. Many Books also record the landlord's name and an assessment of the economic productivity of the land. The tax payable was based on the average price of wheat and oats over the seven years up to 1823, and was levied at a different rate depending on the quality of land. For Parishes where the registers do not begin until after 1850, this information can be useful, as they are often the only surviving early records. They can provide valuable circumstantial evidence, especially where a holding passed from father to son in the period between the Tithe survey and Griffith's Valuation.

    Best regards Michael.

    Monday 22nd Apr 2013, 08:46AM

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