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Looking for ancestors or descendants of Mathew Minogue, born about 1831.  He was a member of the Royal Irish Constabulary from 1849-1852 and then he enlisted as a member of the Royal Irish Rifles (83rd Regeiment). When hw was discharged he stated that he was from Ballycallan, Kilkenney.  He married Ann Carter in Sussex, England in 1860 and they were soon sent  to Quebec (he was still in the military).  They eventually settled in Ontario, Canada.  He is my g-g-grandfather.

Patricia Balkcom


Monday 21st Dec 2015, 11:11AM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Patricia

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out and apologies for the long delay in getting back to you.

    I couldn't find a baptism for Matthew. RC records for the parish of Ballycallan begin in 1820 for baptisms and marriages. Do you know the names of any of Matthew's siblings?

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support  


    Friday 22nd Jan 2016, 01:17PM
  • Hi Clare,

    Thank you very much for your response and your attempt to find the baptismal record for Mathew.  I do not know who his siblings were.  I have prepared a research report describing the different hypotheses as to who Mathew's parents might be.  It is 3 pages long though and probably not appropriate to post here but I am happy to supply it to anyone interested.  Also, I have had autosomal and Y-DNA testing completed and would be willing to share the cost for DNA testing for a member of a Minogue family from Kilkenny, especially from the Ballycallan area.  Again thank you very much for your response and your interest.

    Pat Balkcom


    Saturday 23rd Jan 2016, 11:14AM
  • Hi all

    I would love to see your research report.  My Minogue's come from the more typical Minogue area in Scarriff but I am interested anyway!   I have also done the autosomal DNA testing and posted on Gedmatch.  I am reachable at

    Kindest regards

    Richard Minogue


    Sunday 27th May 2018, 05:06PM

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