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My Great Great Granparents were from Killaloe, County Clare. Their names were Patrick Hayes and Mary McKeogh. From what I have been able to find out they were married in 1881 or 1882. They had a daughter, Delia Christina who was born on the 5th January 1883. When Delia was a baby her parents left her in Ireland (possibly with a member of Mary's family) and Patrick and Mary immigrated to Australia. Mary died in 1891 and in 1901 (approx) Delia immigrated to Australia to meet her father. Patrick died in 1938 and Delia in 1968. Patrick had a sister Ellen who also immigrated to Australia, but I don't know when. She died in 1940 and her gravestone says her surname was Hayes, so I assumed she did not marry.

The only other Irish names I can associate with our family is Lua Niall (possibly a cousin of my Grandmother ...Delia's daughter ) who I believe was born between 1911-1914 and immigrated to Australia, and a lady named Thomasina who possibly lived in Dublin and would have been born also 1910-1915?

If anyone has any information or connection I would love to hear.

Margaret Nelson


Friday 7th Jun 2013, 09:11AM

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