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I recently found an index of Ireland Diocesan and Prerogative Marriage License Bonds indexes and there is a record dated 1804 in the diocese of Killaloe for a Winifred Dogherty and James Downing, which I am thinking might be my 4xgreatgrandparent.  I emailed the diocese of Killaloe, but was told that without a specific parish there is no way for them to trace this record.  

Do you have any suggestions?   Thank you. 


Monday 14th Sep 2015, 02:41PM

Message Board Replies

  • Winifred Doherty and James Downey



    Hello Catherine Tinlin,


    This link may give you another avenue to pursue


    P McG

    Monday 14th Sep 2015, 11:46PM
  • Thank you so much - it states that Abstracts of Killaloe Diocese Licenses are held in the Genealogical Office - do you know how I would contact the Genealogical Office?



    Thursday 17th Sep 2015, 05:19PM

    You should contact the Genealogical Office through the NLI

    P McG

    Friday 18th Sep 2015, 04:00AM
  • Thank you. 


    Wednesday 23rd Sep 2015, 01:46PM

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