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I am looking for any relatives of my paternal grandmother Margaret Mary Fitzgerald, who was born on 19.12.1914 in Alywardstown – I think the modern spelling is Aylwardstown, Co Kilkenny.

Her father was Richard Fitzgerald who was a farmer at that time, although on her marriage certificate 25 years later it states he was a railway worker. Her mother was Mary, nee Walsh. I don’t have any other information about her parents except they married on 30.11.1911.

I believe my grandmother left Ireland after June 1939 and I know she married my paternal grandfather (Leonard Walmsley) in December 1939 in London and they had my father, who is also now deceased, the following year.

Ireland Xo has already sent me the links to the 1901 and 1911 census and I have found Richard aged 28 and 38  respectively.

I do have other information that I am happy to share through private communications with people who are of the same family.

I am extremely excited about tracing my Irish family as I never knew my grandmother and only received her birth certificate via a tracing agency last week.

I look forward to hearing from a Fitzgerald or a Walsh, or indeed anyone who knows of the family.

Thank you.

Sue Campbell (nee Walmsley)

Monday 21st Nov 2016, 03:48PM

Message Board Replies

  • To avoid duplication, here a link to the previous post:…


    Elwyn, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Monday 21st Nov 2016, 04:56PM
  • Thanks Elwyn


    Genealogy Support 


    Monday 21st Nov 2016, 05:23PM
  • Dear Sue, I just came across your message, I am related to Margaret Mary Fitzgerald and was born in the same house in Aylwardstown, Glenmore, Co.Kilkenny. 


    Ann Fitzgerald


    Monday 12th Nov 2018, 09:31PM
  • Dear Ann,

    First, I must sincerely apologise for this extremely tardy reply.  I have not checked this website for some time. 

    I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw your message. My email address is Please do drop me a line so we can establish communication. 

    I have spent ten years looking for relatives of my paternal grandmother and I am beyond excited!

    Best wishes,


    Wednesday 5th Jun 2019, 09:22AM

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