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looking for Peter william costello/costelow/costeloe who married Ellen Kennedy sometime in 1820 at the ossuary, Kilkenny.  Someone did a look-up on roots ireland and found them but could not read the details. I have no birth records for either as PEI(Prince Edward Island) did not record dates of birth in census. They had 4 kids in ireland.

William and Martin sometime near 1820,  Thomas in 1825 then mary on Mar 23 1839.  Sometime after Mary but before 1834 they left for PEI as all the other kids were born there.

PEI lore has it that Peter william, John, and Pierce Costello on PEI were brothers from Kilkenny.  

Would really appreciate it if some kind soul could look up on Roots Irelnd the Peter William costello/Ellen Kennedy marriage for me and post it or PM me.  Would really like the details to see if I can match up with a australia genealogist costello's in kilkenny.  I have checked all records I could without going there. Being disabled it would be difficult and beyond my finances.

thank-you in advance.

ton R (married to a costello.)


Sunday 27th May 2018, 03:56PM

Message Board Replies

  • Volunteers: This request was on an earlier message and here is the response:…

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Sunday 27th May 2018, 06:31PM
  • Dear Tom:

    You had received a reply to this query, but I thought that I would post a reply anyway in case you have not seen it.

    There are 2 PEI websites that you may not be familiar with and they are both worth looking at:


    You might be able to find further information with the above. 

    If you need any further assistance, please let us know.

    Kind regards,


    Jane Halloran Ryan

    Monday 28th May 2018, 02:34PM
  • Jane,

    thanks as it was posted on the wrong county I wanted it on the kilkenny but I could not get access then.

    In regards to PEI, thank-you I am aware.   I head up a group of us from this ancestor from across North America trying to find prove with more info.. I thought I might get further with a kilkenny specialist hrnce my request for this board.  I have found other costello/kennedy researchers for kilkenny elsewhere in the world but cannot tie in with them until I have proof.

    We cannot prove Kilkenny without a record.  None in PEI that have a birthdate.

    Peter William Costello/costelloe/costelow born 1804, St. Mary, S, Kilokenny IRE. was married to Ellen Kennedy in  1820 at the  Ossary Kilkenny.

    Both records were found but the transcripts could not be read by the volunteer. I have searched 20 years to get  a record or proof or a copy.  If it was found once...

    ron reddam


    Tuesday 29th May 2018, 01:35AM

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