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My GGG grandmother lived in the Rosbercon district and I have a document that gives her name and where she lived but I can't decipher the surname and I cannot find the place given on any map. It has obviously been written down as an English interpretation of the irish pronunciation. 

Can anyone help me work out her surname and the place near Rosbercon that is named? The 'Reverend' at Rosbercon has been given as the person who knows her. I imagine the use of Rev'd should be priest - or am I asuming incorrectly. I was fairly certain they were Catholic. 

Thank you,




Friday 27th Jul 2018, 03:01AM

Message Board Replies

  • I think you are right regarding the pronounciation -  looking at the handwriting  and comparing the letters in the other words - I think the final letter is an 'e' not 'l' - as first impression might give. When you verbally sound it out, it could be something like KEOGH, or KEOWN ?? Just a thought.

    Looking at the place name and saying it phonetically, it could be something like BALLINAMEEN -  I know there is a place of that name in Roscommon, but there are possibly others as well.

    Hopefully the little bit of help I have offered might give you a better idea - I am on the bigger island and only know the area around Avoca in Eire where my family come from, so am not that familar with placenames.


    best wishes


    Friday 27th Jul 2018, 08:34AM
  • I think the place name is Ballyverneen in Ballygurrim civil parish which is south of Rosbercon civil parish.

    The surname is either Ceehoe or Cewhoe. 

    Roger McDonnell

    Castlemore Roscommon, IrelandXO Volunteer ☘

    Friday 27th Jul 2018, 02:48PM

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