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Hi all,

This is 6th Class in Ballyadams N.S. Over the past few weeks we have been compiling a history of Ballyadams Castle, plus the people, myths and legends associated with it. We have researched writen records, interviewed older people in our locailty and the present owner Mr. David Butler, and visited the castle. Below, we have attached a booklet titled Ballyadams Castle Through the Ages. We encourage people to read through it and we look forward to your feedback. If anyone has any further information on the castle, we would greatly welcome and appreciate it.

6th Class,

Ballyadams N.S.

Tuesday 3rd Dec 2013, 08:33PM

Message Board Replies

  • Hi - Thank you very much for your efforts. Can you please re-attach the booklet as it does not appear here? Or email a copy to us at and we would be happy to share it with our users.

    Kind regards,

    Genealogy support.



    Tuesday 4th Feb 2014, 11:31AM

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