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I have a very old letter dated December 1901, from Peter Donohoe of Tara, to his sister (my Great Grandmother, Annie Donohoe Burke in Laurens, Iowa; USA) regarding the death of their father, Patrick Donohoe. The letter states that Patrick's funeral in Durrow was quite large-- and that folks from Geashil (or Geaskil) and Cloghan attended. Patrick died about 16 December 1901. I will be in Ireland in October 2015, and am eager to see where my Great Grandmother and her family lived-- as well as to meet any relatives, and know more about my family.

In addition, I am very interested in knowing more about Annie's husband-- my Great Grandfather, Thomas Francis Burke. Thomas was born at Tullamore on 16 March 1865-- and was a childhood friend of Annie's. They married when they re-met in Chicago, in 1890. My mother spent the first four years of life living with her family, in Thomas' home in Laurens, Iowa. I would so very much like to know who his family was and where they lived; anything, really. His ancestry remains a mystery to me. I do know that when he died on 30 September 1932, his obituary states that he still had two sisters in Ireland.

I am excited to have found this website from friends from Dublin-- and am looking forward to getting in touch regarding family information! Thank-you very much.    Marti Benson Smith


Sunday 5th Jul 2015, 06:49PM

Message Board Replies

  • Dear Marti

    Welcome to Ireland Reaching Out!

    I have passed your query to a volunteer, I hope they will be in touch shortly

    Best wishes

    Clare Doyle

    Genealogy Support 

    Monday 6th Jul 2015, 03:15PM
  • Thank-you so much, Clare!


    Wednesday 15th Jul 2015, 06:07AM

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